Supergirl 5x19 : Immortal Kombat review

Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it. 

Supergirl's fifth season has come and gone and with it we got intense action, a twist and a sense of comfort going forward. The episode begins where last week's ended with Lex finally getting his invitation onto the Leviathan ship. He makes his way on board as it lies beyond the casino that we've previously seen earlier in the season. Upon entering he begins to gasp for breath. Given that the air is different inside he is given something to aid him. Rama Khan doesn't seem too keen on having Lex on board and along with 2 more elemental changers sets off to kill Supergirl and friends once and for all with the Kyrptonite he got in last week's episode. There's actually a really nice shot of Lex's face with the Kryptonite glowing green in his face. A little smirk comes across his face as the episode cuts to the show's logo. Back at Kara's apartment and her and Lena agree to work together again. Kara mentions how she wants to forget the past and focus on the future. Everyone else soon turns up at Kara's apartment wielding their weapons and powers as Kara had sent out a 911 distress call. The call wasn't because of Lena being a threat rather that Lena is here to help. As everyone is now present Kara tells how she is going to put a stop to Leviathan but given that they now have access to Kryptonite and also how Rama Khan can detect Supergirl if she uses her powers The Martians come up with a contingency plan. Impersonate Supergirl and act as her by using her powers to trick Rama Khan into coming to them. 

While impersonating Supergirl Rama Khan does show up as intended but he's not alone. Two other elemental changers show up. One in particular has the power to control storms and pretty soon both J'onn and Miss Martian are outed as Supergirl. But just why were they pretending to be Supergirl?? well Kara goes off to Luthor Corp so that Lena can build her a Kryptonite suit that can fully protect her from it's affects much like she did in season 4. They end up taking the bus to get there as if Supergirl uses any powers in any way Rama Khan would come chasing. Upon arrival Lena gets to work but soon Kara's urge to get out there and defend someone (in this case William) proves too strong. Both Kara and Lena also learn that Eve Tessmacher is back and after last week's episode it turns out that she had taken William hostage. Supergirl soon saves him however and promises to help Eve. 
The episode draws to a close as Brainiac-5 who is tired of listening to Lex and his plans to stop Leviathan comes up with a plan of his own to stop Leviathan. Dreamer sees this play out in a dream in which Brainy plans on using the Brainiac-5 shrinking bottle to shrink down all members of Leviathan and house them inside of the bottle. There's only one down side however and that is he's got to power the bottle inside of Leviathan's ship which once inside the main control room he will lose the ability to fully function. Aided by another Brainiac member from earlier in the season he sets off and does manage to power the bottle with 10 minutes until full completion. During this 10 minutes the rest of the team including Supergirl in her new suit fight against the Leviathan gods. They seem indestructible but infact they really aren't as thanks to Supergirl going inside of Obsidian's VR tech to deliver a worldwide message of hope Brainy sucks the three Leviathan gods into the bottle before falling to the ground. Lex soon enters the room and mentions how he too planned for Brainy turning on him and aiding his friends. He takes the bottle from him and says that he will now die alone. That's the last we see of him so who knows if he will survive or not. The episode ends with Leviathan seemingly defeated but with Lex now the true antagonist once again can he really be stopped?? especially now since he has the bottle containing the Leviathan gods. This is a huge setup for season 6 which will presumably return also in 2021. So how was this episode then?? genuinely enjoyable. A fitting end for a season that was as inconsistent of a season that I've seen in quite some time. Brainy's sacrifice to defeat Leviathan was admirable and Lex winning (again) was a treat given how much I like Jon Cryer's version of the character. Supergirl's worldwide hope speech made sense given that she is the Paragon of Hope and as a whole this episode ended season 5 in a big and complete way. Until 2021 it is then Team Supergirl.

And that was season 5 of Supergirl. A season of many downs but when it was up boy was it up. The 100th episode, Lena and Andrea's early years and Lex's episode of his plan being told in complete were all as perfect as they come but many episodes while not bad just didn't do much to get me really excited all that much. Jon Cryer again like season 4 was the standout throughout the season as Lex Luthor. He even surpassed the true big bad Leviathan who honestly just did not do it for me. They weren't all that interesting and engaging. I expected a lot more if I'm being honest. So yeah that was season 5 of Supergirl. In terms of ranking I'd say it's in the middle between season's 2 & 3 in terms of the best quality. Season 4 was vastly superior but that's not to say there isn't some fun to be had here. Supergirl continues to be a hopeful pillar in the ongoing arrowverse. Cheers to that and Team Supergirl.


Season overall : ★★★


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