Legends Of Tomorrow 5x12 : I Am Legends review

Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it. 

Legends Of Tomorrow returns once more with what very well could be the best episode this season yet. It begins inside of Constantine's home as the Legends are still immortal from last week's ending where they drank from the Chalice of Dinoysus. All are immortal apart from Zari who didn't drink from the Chalice. She does however have a countdown on her phone which when it gets to 0 will end the immortal time period. When they all go to step outside and back onto the waverider they see that it's nowhere to be found which means they're stranded in England and Astra has betrayed them which is not surprising at all really. Being stuck in England really isn't all bad though as Ava remembers that Rip Hunter once mentioned that the Time Bureau had a number of safe houses throughout the world that house the means to get back aboard the waverider. One such safe house just so happens to be in London so it's off to the capital. What follows is a wild bus ride full of hilarity and chaos in true Legends style. 

Our trip begins at a bust stop where the Legends wait for a bus that will take them to London. The bus arrives on time but the driver won't let them on unless they pay the fare unlike everyone else. Mick grabs him and tosses him off leaving him in the dust as he takes over driving duties. As the Legends take a bus trip back aboard the waverider things aren't looking good as Astra is on board with Charlie's two sisters. Also on board is Gary and his rabbit who is soon playing deep undercover. With the three Lume of Faith pieces in their box Gary who tries to get Gideon back online after she had been switched off manages to steal the rings with a little help. A little help from the human form of Gideon who Gary imagines in his head after getting an electric shock from Gideon's mainframe as he was attempting to get her back online. She aids Gary who slowly and slowly becomes more confident in her presence which was funny to watch unfold. Charlie's sister Atropos soon learns that not only are the Legends attempting to get back aboard the waverider but the three Lume pieces are missing. This leads to her placing a curse on England. On the world globe we see England become tainted in a black color as in the great country itself the undead begin to rise from their graves just as things look to be going swimmingly for the Legends. While driving Mick ends up crashing into one of the zombies which doesn't kill it rather only knock it down for a few minutes. All the Legends get off the bus and a wild and fast paced fight for survival against a number of Zombies takes place with the Legends getting the upper hand for the time being.
The episode draws to a close back aboard the waverider where Astra questions Gary about the location of the Lume pieces. Gary plays some trickery however and hides the rings much to Charlie's sisters dismay and also Astras. Gary tries to convince Astra to come around again but earlier in the episode she had been shown a vision of her mom fighting for her life. This really throws Astra for a loop as she reconsiders the entire situation. Back in England the Legends stumble their way through zombies, soldiers and a whole heap of blood and guts as they finally make it to the pub. Inside the device used to get back to the waverider needs to be charged but after Sara has a vision again things really aren't looking good for the Legends as a giant Zombie hoard begins to take shape outside of the pub. Yes the pub is the Time Bureau safe house how quaint. Zari and Constantine who had been together for the majority of the episode end up sleeping together in one of the back rooms or at least it's heavily implied. Their conversation turns from heated to passion filled in a matter of moments as in the main room of the pub Ava and Sara talk about what is to come from her vision. Sara's vision entails her own death at the hands of zombies and the Legends barely escaping. What follows is the Legends immortality completely ending as the zombie hoard rushes into the pub. Sara and co try their best to fight off the flesh hungry monsters but to no avail. The device that had been charging is finally fully charged just in time for Charlie to take it and go alone back to the waverider. This leaves the rest of the Legends to the zombies mercy. Sara gets mauled while everyone else gets totally swarmed. Are the Legends dead?? back on the waverider just before Charlie arrives Atropos ends up murdering not only Astra as her immortality too has run out but Gary too in a scene that came totally out of left field. Charlie arrives and with everyone seemingly dead she with all 3 Lume pieces in her hand says it's time to get to work. The 3 weave sisters are together once more. I presume Charlie will end up bringing everyone back in next week's episode as without the Legends there is no show. As for this episode it was fantastic. Anything zombie related is always highly entertaining and add to that the Legends and you have a fantastic mix. The ending blew my mind to pieces. That was easily one of the best endings this season and once more I now look forward to next week all over again as only a few episodes remain.



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