Legends Of Tomorrow 5x10 : Ship Broken review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.
Legends Of Tomorrow returns with another over the top but highly entertaining episode. It begins with Mick who we see walking towards his daughter in a park. He says that her mom said he could have her for the weekend which leads to him suggesting a father/daughter weekend together for them both. His daughter disagrees at first as she has to study and do everything else someone of her age usually has to do but her tune soon changes as Mick lets her onto the wave rider first revealing it to her. On board the weaving of The Lume of Faith begins with Charlie first warming herself up. Everyone is present including Gary who has a dog now for emotional support after the emotional distress and anxiety he suffered are going to Hell and back in last week's episode. The dog will be more important later but now the weaving begins and after fusing all the rings together Charlie singles out Behrad's weave first. I say first because an argument breaks out between everyone on who goes first as Sara, Behrad and Astra's mom all get thrown at Charlie who ultimately decides to go with Behrad first. Perhaps it wasn't the best of ideas as Behrad's weave turns out to be extremely clunky and complicated due to time travel. With everyone present Charlie begins the weaving process and while visually pleasing it soon turns bad as the entire room get turned into a bright light of energy which blows everyone including Charlie back. That's not all the blast does as it also disrupts the entire waverider rendering it useless for the time being.
Astra who has been becoming frustrated more and more especially now that the Lume of Faith has been temporarily put out of service tries to deceit others on the ship. She tries to get Zari on her side but is unsuccessful. In last week's episode we saw Sara collapse after her interaction the week before with Atropos. Well she awakens this week by Ava by her side and it turns out that she is blind. She wakes up and her eyes are a grey/white color. Shocked by this Ava asks Gideon for advice but as the ship is out of commission for now she is unable to help. With a blindfold placed over her eyes Sara and Ava are on ship repair duty as Sara uses her senses to get around the ship. But that's not all that is wrong with Sara as not only is she blind she also gets visions of the future whenever someone touches her hand. For instance Constantine touches her hand and she gets a vision of him laying motionless after being stabbed. This leads to a final and violent vision in which Sara sees herself being the one who has been stabbing the others.. as for the ship getting back up and running that is the least of the Legends worries however as it's soon revealed that the three Lume of Faith rings have been stolen. All fingers point to Astra who gets placed in a cell by the others. She says she didn't do anything but of course nobody believes her. A saboteur is on board and it's up to the Legends to stop him / her.
The episode draws to a close with the revelation that the dog that Gary had at the beginning turns out to be the one behind all the chaos and mischief on board. Not only was he behind the Lume of Faith rings being stolen and thrown into the trash compactor by Charlie but he was also the one who used Zari to hinder a part of the ship and also used Nate to destroy the tech used to make food on board. In fact the dog turns out to house the soul of a vicious serial killer from hell which is where Gary rescued it from. He just looked so cute he says as everything on board has once again been his fault. The dog had been using his hellish power to interrupt and project his intentions to the others including Sara who did manage to not be sucked into it thanks to her foresight ability. The dog soon transforms into a vicious hell hound and chases the team on board. Sara and Constantine deal with him as Constantine sends him straight back to hell in a scene that was as ludicrous as it was funny. In all honesty this entire concept was fine just executed a bit poorly and the CG effects on the dog weren't exactly great. That being said the episode ends with the revelation that Sara is permanently blind?? according to Gideon very much so. As the ship gets back online and things return to normal Gideon says there is nothing she can do to help Sara as this is a permanent deal. As for things being permanent I do hope Mick's daughter being on the waverider doesn't become a permanent thing. Sure their scenes were fine but they did feel a bit filler at points and overly stretched out. But for the most part this was an enjoyable episode like I said at the beginning. It was over the top sure but what Legends Of Tomorrow episode isn't?? at this stage I'd be surprised if they weren't over the top crazy. An entire episode minus the beginning set on the waverider can be good i.e season 3's Zari time loop episode. So yeah I did enjoy this one just not as much as previous entries.
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