The Flash 6x15 : The Exorcism of Nash Wells review

Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it. 

At the end of last week's Flash episode we saw Iris shoot Kamila with the mirror gun. Well this week's episode opens with Iris talking to Kamilla whom tells her that she is now apart of this mirror group. They go to the mirror where Eva talks to them through the reflection. She talks about a secret weapon that she developed years ago being held at Mercury Labs. She tasks Kamila and Iris with taking a fake which she gives them and wants them to take the real weapon which is called a Refractor. They both agree as Eva's plan which is still not know gets pushed into another gear. Back at Star Labs and Caitlin presents Barry with a watch which Cisco calls the Speed Gauge. It represents how much Speed Barry uses in various colors with black being no speed and red being the highest therefore the most speed. With what happened in last week's episode with Eobard Thawne invading the mind and body of Nash Wells he once again tricks Barry, Cisco and Caitlin to leaving him out of his holding cell as he pretends to be Nash. Barry chases after him as he goes inside of the time travel pod as he has yet to fully get his powers back. Barry almost rips Thawne out of the pod as his speed gauge blinks a strong red color. This scene as a whole was pretty intense as Thawne once again attempts to wiggle his way into the mind of Barry in an attempt to get him to use his speed. 

Before he escaped captivity Nash Wells somehow intercepted Thawne and told Cisco of a splicer that he has in possession which can be used to in simple terms perform an exorcism on Nash Wells in an attempt to stop Thawne and throw his plan of returning into chaos. Another thing to note is that when Nash's brain waves are looked at in 3D Caitlin notices that all of the other versions of Harrison Wells are intertwined by Nash Wells brain waves which is why he has been seeing all different versions of the characters over the past couple of weeks. The exorcism begins on Nash Wells as we're brought years into the past where he runs into his young apprentice for the first time. Her name is Maya and while she does grow up to look like Alegra here she is a young girl who Nash takes under his wing so to speak. This is the main focus going forward as Thawne plays on Nash's pain of Maya's demise and the fact that he is to blame. Back at Star Labs Barry and Cisco with the help of Cecil use the tech they used to go inside of The Thinker!'s mind to go inside of Nashs to stop Thawne and return their friend to his old self. 
The episode draws to a close inside the mind of Nash Wells which takes place inside of a cave like area. We can hear Maya's cries in the background as before entering Nash was mere moments away from being left behind to rot in his own mind. When Barry and Cisco show up they do help Nash as Cisco talks to him while Barry overcomes the fear that Thawne uses which is and always has been the threat of Barry's daughter. He calls Barry a bad dad. He says that he did more for Nora than Barry ever did. Barry doesn't let the words get to him instead he stands his ground even though his powers are diminishing. As Nash faces his fears and ultimately accepts that he is to blame for Maya's death by forcing her into his lifestyle he overcomes the threat of Thawne as he vanishes right before Barry's eyes. He isn't dead however as Cisco notes instead he's probably out there somewhere looking for a new host. Barry has something to tell Cisco and Caitlin however and that is he has found the key to creating his own artificial speedforce. The key to doing so is Nora's journal which she had previously used to travel through time. But the episode doesn't end there infact there's still more to discuss and that's the entire Eva plot as Iris and Kamila search for the weapon she desires. They do end up getting it but not without some complications along the way. And complications come in the way of another Black Hole type assassin who is named Sunshine. She has the ability to use the power of sun to her advantage and without well she's basically nothing. Barry uses this to his advantage with the help of Joe and the CCPD as he basically takes her down without his powers which was a nice change of pace. In short Iris and Kamila hand Eva the weapon which really we still don't know what she has planned for it at all. It is interesting though and with The Flash now on a break until April 7th the wait will be long and tedious. As a whole though this episode was fantastic. One of the best episodes this season in my opinion. Nash overcoming his fear and guilt was engaging, Barry not fully using his powers to beat Sunshine was so good and him not letting Thawne get to him was really cool. Also special shout out to Tom Cavanagh who played an ungodly amount of Harrison Wells characters in this episode. From Harry Wells to Nash to Eobard Thawne he really was the standout here and it was just sublime. Like I said The Flash now takes a break and will return on April 7th. Until then Team Flash!



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