The Flash 6x14 : Death of The Speed Force review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.
The Flash returns from it's week hiatus and opens with a helicopter crash of all things. But don't worry the returning Kid Flash has got it all covered as Wally and not Barry rushes to the rescue saving all on board. Barry soon rushes to the scene and both him and Wally embrace as back at Star Labs a big welcome home party is thrown for Wally. Cisco arrives back home too but to way little fan fare. As the day turns into night Barry and Wally agree to clean things up. As they do however Barry's speed suddenly stops and he falls onto the floor. Wally asks if he's okay as recently he's been feeling less and less connected to the speed force. Almost as if something is seriously wrong that needs fixing and Wally is right to think this but more on that a bit later. At Jitters we see the same woman from earlier who was rescued by Kid Flash. She is seen getting a coffee but she gets interrupted by someone wearing a hood. It's a woman who has the power of a previous meta way back in season 2 of The Flash. Donned Turtle 2.0 by Cisco she has the power to slow down time itself and age people in an instant. She does so to the woman aging her to well over 100 in the blink of an eye. Back at Barry's office and Wally arrives this time a lot more intent on finding out about the Speed Force. He manages to bring Barry into the Speed Force where we see Barry's mom which is his manifestation of the Speed Force in a bed slowly dying minute by minute. Barry is dumbfounded by this and at first thinks it's to do with him injuring the Speed Force while he was under Bloodwork's power earlier in the season but it's something that happened during Crisis..
At the end of last week's episode we saw The Reverse Flash show up in the form of Sherloque Wells to confront Nash Wells to tell him that he is coming. Turns out Nash got incredibly spooked by this and asks Cisco for help with everything going on. Cisco turns him down as he is busying helping everyone else trying to take down Turtle 2.0 No rest for poor Cisco who just returned from Atlantis. In the last episode we saw Eva injure herself inside the mirror world and outside of it before restoring Iris's skin on the outside. Well Iris begins to get questioned more and more by everyone including Wally who notices her different sort of behavior of moods. Kamilla takes a photo of Iris and point blank gets told to delete it. She does but has a backup which I'll speak about at the end of the episode. More on the Speed Force now and it turns out that it is indeed dying minute by minute thanks to Barry's action during Crisis. What exactly did he do?? well when his true potential was tapped into by the Spectre it's energy flooded the Speed Force causing supreme death and devastation. Barry is forced to watch as the manifestation of his mom dies and thus the Speed Force also.
The episode draws to a close as The Flash and Kid Flash race through the city using a shortcut as to not use much speed. They arrive at CCPD and with some help from Joe apprehend Turtle 2.0 without anyone else getting hurt in the process. A Flash & Kid Flash team up was pretty cool to see again I must admit. More on Nash Wells now and his visions soon become reality just as Cisco arrives to help him. Eobard Thawne is now in control of Nash's body but he doesn't have any powers as of yet as he tries to kill Cisco but to no avail. Thawne gets tossed into the pipeline where Barry shows up to confront him. Thawne says that he can feel the Speed Force has been slowly dying day by day, minute by minute. He also says that when (not if) he escapes he will kill Barry, his family, his friends and everyone else. This is because Thawne of course has his own Speed Force which he uses for his own gain and power. Barry walks away and back in the main room of Star Labs he suggests to Cisco and Caitlin that they help him in creating his very own version of the Speed Force. But the episode doesn't end there it ends as we see Kamilla looking at the photo she took of Iris earlier. Upon further investigation she sees that Iris's entire body is made of a mirror like substance. She ultimately ends up getting interrupted by Iris who says that she isn't Iris before shooting Kamilla with the Mirror gun turning her into the same reflective style substance that Iris was in the photo. Could Kamilla have been sent to the mirror dimension?? how will the real Iris escape?? this is getting all really interesting and I can't wait to find out more. In fact this entire episode was fascinating especially the Speed Force parts. Wally blaming Barry for thinking of himself and not the rest of the speedsters before going back on his word was totally in character. The death of the Speed Force made sense in the overall story and as a whole this episode was just really, really great. With Reverse Flash back it's only bound to get bigger and better as we now enter the final handful of episodes left this season. This is Team Flash at it's almost best.
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