Star Wars Episode IX : The Rise of Skywalker review

I am and really never was the biggest fan of Star Wars. Sure they are highly entertaining to watch with the original trilogy of episodes 4-6 being far superior but with this final act in the trilogy of trilogies can Star Wars close off a new chapter in style?? the story carries on from The Last Jedi where last we saw our band of hero's going up against Kylo Ren and his forces once more. This movie opens with Ren who goes to an unknown region to seemingly kill Emperor Palpatine who has returned with really no real explanation. The set up is not the greatest way to begin things but it soon gets back on track on board the Millennium Falcon where Po, Finn and Chewie wrap from place to place via warp speed while being chased by forces of the First Order. They eventually lack back at base where we see Princess Leia assessing the situation. Rey is also here trying to become one with the Force one and for all. 

I don't want to go into any more plot details incase of spoilers but let's just say that the action scenes especially towards the end are in typical Star Wars fashion big, explosive and just fun to watch. The real story here though is Rey  again played by Daisy Ridley. Her battle against whether to fight and stay in the light and surrender to the darkness is easily the best part of this movie even if it was never truly touched on before. Her inner struggles are put to the fore front and it concludes with her meeting with Kylo Ren and her final encounter with Emperor Palpatine which ends in a giant reveal. 
Star Wars Episode IX is a hard movie to judge and review. It has a ton of ups and downs and is far from perfect. I did enjoy it a bit more than The Last Jedi but really that isn't saying that much. It will entertain but it's plot is completely muddled at points with story elements that don't feel like they add anything in the overall scheme of things. I don't even think true die-hard fans of the series will find much here either as compared to the original trilogy this is almost like a totally different galaxy. Not the worst movie of 2019 but far from the best also. 



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