Arrow 8x7 : Purgatory review

Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it. 

Purgatory. A place between heaven a hell. Or in this case an island where this show began way back in 2012. At the end of last week's episode we saw that Team Arrow was brought to Lian Yu by Lyla who right away gets down to work. They are to build a weapon for The Monitor with no real explanation as to why. William gets to work with what is on the island as the rest is being brought in my airplane by Dinah. Rene and Roy. Of course their plane gets shots down and the material needed for the weapon is scattered. But just who shot it down?? well Oliver splits the group into 2 different teams. One team which is Dig, Lyla and Connor will go look for Rene, Dinah and Roy and the other which is just Oliver and Laurel will go look for the plutonium needed for the weapon. Mia and William stay behind in the tent. 

As they go deeper into the island Oliver and Laurel retrieve the plutonium but are greeted by someone from Oliver's past. A ghost. A nobody who he thought was long dead. Fyers, the same man from season 2's flashbacks to Lian Yu if I remember correctly. Billy Wintergreen is also present as he was also on the island in the season 1 flashbacks where he faced off against Slade Wilson. Fyers and co get away as Oliver tells Laurel to go back to William with the plutonium as he will go after Fyers. While tracking them he is met by another person from his past. Yao Fei who is the father of Shadow who was murdered by Fyers. The two work together but end up getting caught in a trap. Dig, Connor and Lyla on the other hand have some good luck at least as Dinah and Rene turn up. Rene is badly injured which leads to Lyla taking him back to the camp. Dig, Connor and Dinah go on and do end up finding Roy. Badly injured his arm is trapped under a part of the plane as he says he has no feeling in it at all. With time running out quickly as fuel from the plane spills onto the ground and enemies incoming there is only one decision to make. Amputate Roy's arm. Dig is unconvinced by this and does his upmost to save his arm but ultimately Connor does the deed and cuts Roy's arm off before they all go back to the tent. 
The episode draws to a close with a climactic battle between everyone on Team Arrow and Fyers and his men. Lyla leaves to attend to Monitor problems as the episode much like The Flash descends into praising Oliver and the impact he's had on everyone. Him and Diggle have a real heart to heart by thanking one another will him and Mia share a nice moment that ends with her saying how great it was that she got to be a part of his story. One final thing happens before the episode ends and that is the arrival of Lyla who now calls herself Harbinger. The Crisis is no longer coming it has arrived she says as the same color moves into place in the sky like The Flash and that is how the episode ends. Honestly a really enjoyable episode of Arrow that was full of cameo's throwbacks and an overall sense of respect towards Oliver. Crisis On Infinite Earths now begins this coming weekend on Supergirl and it will shake up this universe unlike anything before. Arrow will return for it's final 2 episodes in January including it's series finale near the end of January 2020. Until then.



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