The Flash 6x4 : There Will Be Blood review

Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it. 

Finally a Halloween themed episode of The Flash has come along and boy was it enjoyable. Beginning at Central City hospital inside we see that Ramsey Rosso is looking for more blood after last week's ending. He thinks more blood will be a permanent cure to what he felt surge throughout him after he had ingested blood from last week's hulking zombie meta human. Inside the hospital he gets further into the building and finds blood..lots of it. After getting a call to investigate the following morning Barry is unconvinced that a meta human is the cause for the break in. Turns out 10 liters of blood was stolen which is even more odd to the team. Back at Star Labs Cisco after learning of Barry's incoming demise during the upcoming Crisis refuses to believe that Barry would just stop and accept his fate. Barry tries to convince him that if he could he would find a way but this is just the way it's got to be. While talking in the lounge area Nash Wells arrives and seeks their help. He needs a crypto-circuit built for whatever reason but in return promises to lead them to something more valuable and life saving. He tells them how McCullough Industries has made a wonder serum that can be used to cure all ailments. How did they manage to make it? well thanks to tech left over from an invasion 3 or so years ago. So Dominator tech essentially. An odd setup but what follows is a break in scene followed by Cisco taking the serum and hiding it on Barry as he seeks to use it for himself to use it to save Barry. Back at Star Labs Barry mentions how he has a plan for the serum. He's planning to use it to cure Ramsey Rosso. According to Nash Wells if he injects the serum it will surely replace his damaged cells with new and improved ones. Cisco completes the crypto-circuit and Nash sets off. More on that later as it's important. 

So with the serum in hand after a lengthy and quite volatile confrontation between Barry and Cisco which included Cisco saying that if Barry wanted the serum he'd have to go through him. The issue gets resolved but there's still a big lingering issue that is left unresolved for now. So just why did Cisco hide the serum in the first place? well it's simple really. Like I mentioned he wants to save Barry from the upcoming Crisis. But on the flip side it's Barry who later tells Cisco that he has made it upon himself to choose Cisco to lead everyone when he's gone. Cisco hiding the serum on Barry hurt Barry a lot and he says maybe he made the wrong decision with Cisco. The dynamic between the two was strong throughout here and I really enjoyed this. Wish we'd get it more with other characters like Ralph and Frost as Ralph especially just takes a back seat for the most part in this episode. So with serum in hand Barry pays Ramsey a visit and says that Star Labs have come up with a cure for him. He asks him to test it himself and inject it soon after as he's not sure how long it will even last. Ramsey gets to work but it's no good as the cure degenerates far too quickly to replace his bad cells with good ones. Slowly but surely losing his mind Ramsey tries to figure out how it worked last week when he injected himself with the zombie meta's blood. He soon figures it all out. Adrenaline from the body fused with blood is the cure for his HLH. So in a sense he needs to feed from human beings. He literally becomes a human blood bank as he goes back to the hospital from the beginning of the episode. What follows is one of the best scenes of the season thus far as The Flash and Frost show up to a hospital that is void of life.
The episode draws to a close inside the hospital as various bodies of doctors / nurses lay motionless throughout. Deeper inside The Flash finds Ramsey feeding on someone's corpse. Forced to do so to survive he intervenes with his villain speech but it's not as cliche as they come. He tells Flash how he had to get rid of his human side to become the true version of himself. He says that he needs to kill to survive and if that's what it takes he will do so. Flash & Frost have another problem on their hands however as the previous lifeless bodies all begin to come to life in a Zombie like style much like last week's meta. Forced to retreat Ramsey makes his escape and uses his new found blood like powers to crawl up the building on the outside getting away. Back inside all of his victims turn to the black ooze that Ramsey seems to have control over and slip into pools of it before Flash & Frost's eyes. Back at Star Lab Barry vows that if it is the last thing he does on this Earth before dying he will stop Ramsey. What followed was an incredibly emotional scene between Joe and Barry that was genuinely moving. Both are moved to tears as Joe says that Barry who is basically his son doesn't deserve what is going to happen to him. He saves hundreds of thousands of lives as The Flash and this is what he gets?? it's not fair he says but Barry refutes back by saying that his life has been a gift. From knowing Iris to being The Flash it's all been a gift and something he is entirely grateful for. This entire scene was the highlight of the episode in my opinion and that was hard to narrow down because this episode had a bunch of really great scenes. The final thing we see before the episode ends is Nash Wells again. He seems to be in a sewer and as he gets closer into the shot he uses what Cisco made him and learns of the whereabouts of what looks to be The Monitor's lair. We see a holographic Monitor walk down the sewer before walking right through a wall. The last thing we see is Wells taking something to that wall. The Monitor's lair is in a sewer of all places?? like last week's ending with Nash Wells I have no idea what's really happening and what his overall goal is but it's all incredibly interesting. This episode was once again really great and thus far this season of The Flash is near on perfect. I already can't wait for next week!



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