Supergirl 4x22 : The Quest For Peace review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.
The season finale of Supergirl's fourth season has come and gone and with it we're given a look into the future, a shocking reveal and lots more. The episode begins 24 hours previous to Lex saving America at the end of last week's episode. We begin to see Lex's plan play out in more detail. His betrayal of Kaznia who fire an ungodly amount of missiles at the US. Lex saves the day in his Lex-O suit in a truly incredible scene that sees him flying through the air destroying missiles, defying gravity and wallowing in the explosions he leaves behind. He's doing all of this as My Way by Frank Sinatra plays much like it did earlier in the season. But this time we have the honor of hearing Lex sing along with joyful glee as his plan falls perfectly into place. I've said it previously but Jon Cryer really has nailed the character of Lex Luthor. Also helps that his writing has been on point and the story is in typical Lex fashion. Back on the ground and Lex is deemed a hero by the people of America. The president even invites him to the White House. Lex as president now there's an idea I could get behind (hint, hint). At the White House Lex says that the President will be known for being a hero for his country during the Kaznian attack. He also mentions something incredibly interesting. He mentions how he was the one who helped expose the previous president as an alien. So in a sense Lex has been pulling the strings in this show for much longer than previously though..and I love it.
At the White House Lex invites both Lena and their mom to the oval office. Lena says that he is a vile man and only cares about himself. Turns out that Lex has been bringing alien's to Shelley Island (like Dreamer and Jonn Jonzz) to gather all their energy up so that he can use it at his own free will. He does already have a use for the energy and it's not good for Superman. He plans on using a claymore satellite powered by the alien energy to obliterate Argo City. Yes Argo City the home of pretty much all of Kara's family. Superman also is there as he is taking some time off planet. Lex says that Superman's destruction will finally be at his hand. Soon he will be the man of yesterday and turn to ash. At the end of last week's episode we saw that Red Daughter was seemingly dead in Lex's arms. Well it turns out she's okay but is heartbroken that Lex betrayed both her and Kaznia. Lex says she had all the information available about him but never looked right to see that he hated Kryptonians and wants to destroy them. He places Red Daughter in a storage area inside of Shelley Island. Speaking of Shelley Island after letting Dreamer and Jonn go into the portal at the end of last week's episode Brainiac-5 finally snaps out of his rebooted self and becomes more self aware again. It's great how this comes to pass as Dreamer and Jonn give their all to de-power the power core for Lex's satellite. Brainy sees Dreamer's struggle and confesses his love for her as he reverts to his former self. As all of this is happening on the inside of Shelley Island, on the outside Supergirl, Alex and James show up to help. Lex soon arrives once he gets notified that his satellite won't fire on Argo City. Upon his arrival Supergirl goes after him as Ben Lockwood shows up to settle his differences with Lex also. James and Alex fight against him as they attempt to get the black rock out of him. Supergirl and Lex duke it out as Lex uses his Kryptonite powered weapons to defeat Supergirl.
The episode draws to a close as Supergirl and Lex battle things out. Supergirl even breaks out her anti-kryptonite suit that Lena developed as protection. They each get shots on one another inside of a building. With Lex looking set to shoot the killing blow Red Daughter files into scene and moves Supergirl out of the way taking the shot herself. Landing in the back of the room Red Daughter tells Supergirl that she was right all along. She says her Alex is nothing like Kara's Alex before passing away in Kara's arms. A bundle of purple energy then flows into the air before entering Kara. Supergirl now complete with all of Red Daughter's abilities uses her heat vision to parry Lex away. Complete with purple eyes she chases after Lex again who flys into the air. His Lex-O suit begins to falter and fall apart the higher he gets as Supergirl catches up with him. High in the air he lets go of Supergirl's hand and plummets to his death seemingly but he doesn't. As Lena portals him into the secret room where all his Red Daughter plans are. Inside Lena points a gun and Lex who says that she doesn't have the conviction to pull the trigger. Well surprisingly enough, she does. Lena shots Lex twice who says bravo she finally worked up the courage to kill him. With blood seeping from his chest Lex uses what strength he has left to get onto his chair before showing Lena one final thing. On the screen behind him is Kara performing Supergirl acts. We see footage from earlier in the season and even footage of when Kara destroyed all of the Red Daughter evidence at that prison in Kaznia. Lena says nothing as all of this plays out. Bravo indeed however as even in death, Lex gets the final laugh on everyone. Not only did he expose Kara to Lena but he just completely destroyed their relationship as later Lena is seen smashing a glass against a photo of Kara her and Alex. But the episode is far from over as two more reveals linger. At a bus stop we see Eve who is sporting a black wig. An older woman walks up to her and says that Lex failed, thus Eve failed. Eve says she did everything they asked and asks to be let go. The woman says no and that she still has a part to play. The camera then pans to various people on the street as the woman says Leviathan are everyone, everywhere and they are coming. So I guess there is season 5's big bad. A group called Leviathan. But the episode doesn't even end there. We see a portal open before a hooded figure steps out. And for the second time in this season's finales The Monitor appears. He says he is the one who brought the hooded figure to Earth. He brought him here so he could avenge himself and get revenge on his brother. Also he will be able to get redemption as he has been away for far too long. The hooded figure then reveals himself to be a Green Martian. And it is here where I lost it truly. As he says that '' I am coming for you..Jonn Jonzz'' next season just got a whole lot bigger based on these two scenes. But there's even more as The Monitor says he is here to do one more thing. In his office we see Lex's lifeless body as The Monitor appears. He seems to cast a spell of sorts but it cuts out almost right away as energy forms in his hand. So I guess he is bringing Lex back to life then?? I really hope so because Jon Cryer really needs to stick around for as long as possible he really is THAT good. So all in all this was a genuinely brilliant episode and a great season finale for what has been a great season of Supergirl.
In summary season 4 of Supergirl was a big success in my opinion. It started off good then kind of derailed a bit before ultimately it really redeemed itself. Especially in the back half of the season that with the inclusion of Lex Luthor was a joy to watch as a big Superman / Supergirl fan. I wish we could have seen Superman and Lex interact in any way but alas what we got was still amazing. Nia as Dreamer was a nice inclusion also as she just got better with each episode she appeared in. Agent Liberty stated off as an intriguing villain but it got a bit too whiny and silly for my liking as things went off. But the main highlight of season 4 has to be Lex like I said. Played to perfection by Jon Cryer he was everything and more you could want in a big bad. He's easily this show's greatest foe and he's the last powerful in terms of actual strength. His mind is his greatest weapon and it was used extremely well throughout.The introduction of Jonn Jonzz's brother was a big twist and Leviathan are an interesting big bad for season 5. The crisis now awaits Supergirl and it is going to be something for the ages. Overall season 4 of Supergirl was a major step up from all the rest of the seasons in my opinion. It was compelling, funny at times and emotional at others. Thank you Kara for your constant pursuit for justice. I await your return in season 5.
Season overall :
Season overall :
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