Legends Of Tomorrow 4x13 : Egg MacGuffin review

Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it. 

After last week's true return to form can Legends Of Tomorrow continue it's strong push going forward as only a couple of episodes remain?? beginning in the Arctic Wilderness in 1933 we see two men inside a camp. One man is inside before another enters with something he found covered in frozen ice. They break the ice around the object to reveal a giant golden egg inside. The egg will play a big part in this episode and going forward as later it is revealed what lays inside of it. Back on the waverider and we see Ray walk in to check up on Nora who is still out after the encounter with Neron in last week's episode. Mona is by her side who leaves the room leaving Ray by himself with Nora. At the end of last week's episode we saw that the demon Neron was now inside of Ray and while sitting on the bed by Nora Ray picks up a pillow and attempts to smother her. He fights the urge and pulls away before sitting down to see a bunch of demon could around his arm. That's not groovy, not groovy at all he says as the rest of the episode mainly features him freaking out and being in complete distress. He can't seem the catch a break as even in a bathroom he is confronted by his demon self in the mirror who says that in order to capture his soul he will make Ray kill someone that he loves. Of course Ray says he won't do it but while in his room aboard the waverider Neron forces him to disable Gideon so nobody can spy on him so to speak. I like the duality of Ray and Neron doing battle. Maybe it's because I just love when a character has dual aspects to them but this was really fun to watch throughout. Ray even battles Nate later in the episode as it looks like he is about to kill his friend Ray surrenders his soul to Neron who gladly takes over his body. More on this a bit later however.

New York 1933. That's the setting in time for this week's episode and only 2 legends will be present on this mission. Nate & Zari whose sexual tension is really heating up. Honestly you could cut it right down the middle with a knife. While at the Time Bureau Sara who seems to be really shipping Nate and Zari with Ava's help sets up the mission for the two lovebirds. Sara even gives Zari a stunning white outfit that blows Nate away as the two refer to the mission as their first date. Upon arriving in New York 1933 they see the same 2 men from the beginning of the episode who unveil the golden egg that I mentioned earlier to the public. Nate and Zari hatch (pun intended) a plan to steal the egg and bring it back to the waverider and after some Mission Impossible style laser dodging Nate and Zari learn that the egg they steal is just a fake. Infact this leads to them thinking that the entire situation has just been planned by Sara. Two Nazi's burst into the room and ask them for the real egg and even then they think it's all a joke. Even when they are tied up and bound together they still think it's all a gag. The fun stops soon after as they give Sara a call who says that the mission isn't a joke. And those Nazi's?? very real. Nate and Zari manage to overcome the pair and after trying to convince the finders to part with the golden egg do manage to get it and bring it back to the waverider along with Sara and Ava's help of course. As all of this is going on there's another completely silly, pointless and just random side plot of Mick and Charlie attending Romantic-Con. A place where all romantic novels and the like are showcased. Aboard the waverider Charlie finds a bunch of fan mail sent to Mick (no idea how post can be sent to the waverider) one of the letters is addressed to Rebecca Silver the author of the books that Mick has been writing. Which makes Mick Rebecca Silver. I told you it was silly and pointless. But in short the letter asks for her attendance to Romantic-Con where upon revealing herself she will be gifted with 20k. Charlie jumps at the opportunity and manages to rope Mick in as at the event Mick ends up revealing to the public that he is Rebecca Silver after Mona (who else?) ruins the entire process of Charlie's impersonation. Silly, pointless and didn't do anything to further develop all characters involved. Mick's hobby of being a romantic sci-fi novel writer started out funny last season but now it's become a joke that's been seemingly beaten too many times. 
The episode draws to a close with Constantine who has been interning Gary arrives back on the waverider and wakes Nora up with a spell involving the tail of a phoenix. Upon waking up Nora tells him that Neron has Ray and inside the main room of the waverider Neron and Constantine meet again. But the demon has a trick up a sleeve. As earlier in the episode Gary was trying to help Ray overcome the demon. The demon spoke to Gary who said that the legends don't care for him. They only use him for their own needs and toss him aside once done. Neron's point is heavily made and Gary walks into the room in the middle of the Neron, Constantine confrontation. Neron says he has something for Gary, a gift and upon opening it..well it's Gary's nipple. The same nipple that he lost in the first episode of this season as Constantine used him as Unicorn bait. Gary picks up his nipple and says he will no longer be a doormat before placing the nipple back on himself. Feeling complete and more powerful Gary and Neron teleport out of the area with the time stone leaving only Constantine out cold. In the med bay we see Nate who is still feeling the beating he got from Ray earlier. Zari enters the scene and the two finally kiss before being interrupted again. Gideon scans the golden egg and reveals that it isn't an ordinary egg. It's a dragon egg!! yes it finally looks like a dragon will be coming to this show soon enough. So how was the episode as a whole? apart from the Mick / Charlie side plot it was good. Not better than last week but certainly strong. I like the idea of Gary turning to the dark side and not being a pushover anymore. And Ray as Neron was interesting throughout. I once again look forward to next week!



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