Gotham 5x11 : They did what? review

Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.

The penultimate episode and the final modern day of Gotham has come and gone and with it we're shown plenty of teases to the future and a look into who will eventually become Gotham's main protector. Beginning outside of the GCPD where people are in complete distress over the city on the brink of being completely destroyed, inside we see Gordon, Harvey, Lee and more talk about the ongoing situation. In the medical room stands Bruce and Selina and after Bane brutalized Alfred in the last episode Bruce takes the blame all on himself again. Selina says it's not his fault as he could not have known what would happen. It's soon after this that the army arrive in Gotham after the general who is under Nyssa Al Ghul's command don't forget calls them in. Gordon is immediately told of the situation and goes to form up. It's after this where we see Oswald and Ed who are about to board the submarine to leave Gotham. As they walk up the steps Oswald gets a sudden change of heart and says he is going to stay and fight for his city rather than watch from across the bay as it burns. Ed doesn't agree with him but back at the GCPD and after some all love for Gotham by Oswald and Gordon Ed walks in and says that Penguin is right. He will also stay and fight for his city. So we're then shown a slow-mo shot of Gordon, Ed, Oswald, Harvey and more gear up and walk outside to the barrier that surrounds the GCPD from incoming attacks. Below is Bane who now commands the entire army. With hundreds of soldiers at his disposal Bane definitely has the upper hand. Gunfire erupts from both sides with Gordon yelling ''For Gotham'' various soldiers and GCPD alike are gunned down before a grenade is thrown into the upper tier where everyone is. It lands by the feet of Oswald and Ed before detonating hitting Oswald right in the eye causing severe damage. This will also lead to him having his monocle in next week's finale. A rocket launcher shot off by Bane causes everyone to scatter back into the GCPD as the army blows a hole in the wall separating the GCPD from them. 

Back at the GCPD we see Bruce, Selina, Lee and Lucius discussing a way to delay the army's march on the building. Bruce comes up with an idea that is incredibly questionable. He intends to use one of Jeremiah's bombs from last season to blow up the Wayne Enterprises building. Doing so will stop the army's march towards the GCPD in an instant. Bruce and Selina set off for the building as Gordon gets told that Nyssa Al Ghul has taken both Barbara and their daughter hostage inside of City Hall. Going along himself Gordon actually gets inside but is met by various guards and a handcuffed to a pillar Barbara. Nyssa soon emerges from Penguin's former office in a top room in City Hall. She says Gordon was foolish to come alone but once she is done with him she will kill Barbara and raise the child as her own. As an Al Ghul. A beat down on Gordon ensues but as it looks like him and Barbara are about to get the upper hand Nyssa pummels them both. They eventually do stab her together much like Bruce and Barbara ended Ra's Al Ghul last season. But Nyssa gets away but not before locking Gordon and Barbara in the main room of City Hall. On the outside and after saying his goodbyes to Wayne Enterprises Bruce goes ahead and blows it up with one of Jeremiah's bombs. Him and Selina run out of the building just as it explodes and soon after are greeted by Bane. He says it was a good idea to delay the army but it will mean nothing in the end. Bruce and Selina are no match for Bane physically obviously but Bruce uses a device giving to him earlier by Lucius that when he plants on Bane causes Bats to emerge and converge around Bane. One Bat even flys a top over the moon which was such a great shot. 
The episode comes to a close back at the GCPD and as the army continue their march toward the GCPD even though they got delayed, Gordon with hope running out gathers the people and asks Lee to guide them out of the city. Using the tunnels below the GCPD Lee agrees but goes back on her word soon after as she entrusts it on Barbara to lead the people out of the city to a safe area. It looks like Barbara is going to do so but on the outside as the army shows up for one final battle, and with everyone in the GCPD once again out numbered Barbara and the people show up to help stand against Bane and his second in command. Not surprisingly however the army turns their guns on Bane and his second in command forcing them to put down their guns. But what about Nyssa?? well Barbara had earlier pleaded with her to let her and her baby go and mentioned how there's a submarine waiting to just be taken out of Gotham. It's also full of all the gold Penguin had in his safe room in City Hall. We see Nyssa walk up the steps of the submarine so seemingly she escaped which I liked as Batman will one day come face-face with her and Talia. Back at City Hall and with a celebration that Gotham is to be restored. Jim Gordon is rewarded with the honor of being Commissioner and gladly accepts the honor. He sees Bruce soon after who says he will be leaving Gotham soon. Gordon says that Gotham will always be his home no matter what happens and thanks him for everything. Lee walks in and says Bruce is all grown up so it's time for Jim to look after another kid now..his own. At the airport we see Bruce and Alfred talking. It's quite an emotional scene honestly that really needs to be seen to put into words. As Bruce prepares to board the plane we see Selina run into frame but she is too late as the plane  takes off and the episode ends with Bruce sitting down on the plane. He had left Selina a note given to her by a member of the GCPD. And that is that. Overall a fantastic and explosive ending to Gotham's modern day story. I really liked how much of a threat Nyssa looked and not killing her or Bane was a nice touch. Bruce leaving was a perfect way to round off the modern story in my opinion. 1 episode now remains and it's set 10 years into the future where after years away from the city he loves..Bruce Wayne returns as something different.. as someone else.. as The Batman. 



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