Arrow 7x18 : Lost Canary review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.
Arrow returns from it's mini hiatus with a Canary centered episode. Beginning with Laurel who has returned to her Black Siren roots. We see her walk into a hallway wearing a cloak over her head. She asks to see someone named Shadowthief but is denied by various guys who she has not trouble in beating up. She eventually meets Shadowthief who we learn is someone that Laurel has worked with before. Shadowthief also knew Diaz but now she's working for someone else. A mercenary for hire all she cares about is getting paid for doing what she does. Her and Laurel go on crime spree of sorts and steal over 100 thousand from a money launderer guy who works for a crime gang. As all of this is happening a warrant goes out for Laurel's arrest and at the bunker we see Felicity try her upmost to take the blame from Laurel. She refuses to believe that she has returned to being Black Siren. She even ropes in Dinah to help bring her back from doing something she will regret. But Laurel doesn't want to be saved it looks like and after learning of her and Shadowfire's next location Dinah shows up to stop them. But she's not alone as Sara comes crashing into the room complete with Laurel from Earth 1;s original canary cry, now modified it emits a loud crashing noise around the room. Laurel and Shadowfire end up getting away.
Back at the bunker and Felicity thanks Sara for coming. Sara is seen on the salmon ladder which as Felicity says brings back many memories from earlier in this show's life. Oddly enough however after bringing in Sara to help with Laurel Felicity gets a call from Dinah on Laurel's location and says Sara can't come which was utterly pointless to me. Of course it's all a trap as Dinah and Felicity escape in the nick of time. We see Laurel visit Quentin's grave, Sara walks in from behind and tells Laurel all about her life. She mentions how she cheated on her sister with Oliver, made her family believe she was dead before training to become an assassin with the league of assassins. Trying to get through to Laurel some more it's unsuccessful though as Laurel agrees to another plan with Shadowfire. As you can probably see so far there's been little mention of Oliver so far. Well that's because he's barely in this episode and is treated as a very little plot point. What happens during his scenes with Dig is pretty important going forward so I kinda hoped there would be more. Oliver and Dig investigate the location of Emiko's mothers killing and find one of the Longbow Hunters waiting for them. After subduing him he says how and why he killed Emiko's mom. He says he was given an old coin. And the money he was paid was sent from a bank account in Switzerland. Oliver immediately cops onto this and says that all of this was Dante's doing. And once Emiko finds out that he was the one who ordered her hit they can use it as leverage to end the Ninth Circle. More on Laurel now and with another job with Shadowfire on the horizon she learns that they plan on stealing a weapon. Of course Sara, Dinah and Felicity show up to spoil the fun and after a heroic speech about wanting her to become not what others want her to be but who Laurel herself wants to be Laurel blows Shadowfire away with her Canary Cry. This was so dumb in my opinion. All this build up of having Laurel take up the Black Siren mantle again only to let it go 40 odd minutes later. This entire episode just felt like filler and while it was good to see Sara on Arrow it didn't really do anything to the overall narrative.
The episode ends back at the bunker where Laurel says that it's time for her to go back home to Earth-2. To go home and right her wrongs where it all began. Felicity and Dinah seem upset by this but support her and before she leaves Felicity has a surprise for her. It's none other than Laurel form Earth-1's Black Canary outfit. Felicity was hoping Laurel would use it here but Earth-2 will more than suffice. We skip to the future and see Mia who has been dodging a killer throughout this episode also. I didn't really mention it since it's really minor stuff and wasn't that interesting but what happens here is. As she is about to get shot by the killer a Canary Cry blasts the masked person out of the way. It's not DInah, Zoey or even Sara it's Laurel in full on Black Canary gear. She says Mia's got a long way to go to becoming a hero and says if she should trust anyone on that advice it's her. And that's where it just ends. A fine episode sure but I just didn't feel or take anything away from it all. The Laurel to Black Siren redemption arc has been done so much on this show that it's become boring. It was cool to see Laurel get the OG Black Canary suit and to to see it in action in the future. I just hope next week's episode holds a lot more excitement.
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