The Flash 5x15 : King Shark vs Gorilla Grodd review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.
The Flash returns from it's break with a battle for the ages pitting King Shark vs Gorilla Grodd. The episode begins at Star Labs with Cisco who says he and Caitlin have finally gotten the meta human cure ready. But there is one drawback they need a volunteer to test the cure on to make sure it works properly. Barry remembers that King Shark who was brought to Earth-1 from Earth-2 by Zoom to help take out The Flash and suggests they go to his holding facility in ARGUS. Lyla makes a guest starring role in this episode given she is the Director of ARGUS and all. After meeting with her Team Flash is brought to a pier / marina and learn that King Shark has opened his mind and mouth a lot lately. Mainly thanks to the inclusion of a Doctor named Tanya Lamden a Marine biologist who has developed new tech called The Crown which allows her to communicate with King Shark from a safe distance. The two have grown close it's clear to see and as Team Flash offer to cure King Shark of his Shark form he flips out and loses control. Swimming off in a hurry he isn't found until later when The Flash, Cisco and Caitlin show up at the same pier with meta human cure in hand. King Shark loses it again however and picks up Cisco in his hand. Looking like he's about to bite his head off Barry acts quickly and sticks the meta human cure into King Shark. Falling back into the water below he emerges soon after in human form. Back at Star Labs and we learn that King Shark's name is actually Shay. Funnily enough however Doctor Lamden who I mentioned earlier is also at Star Labs and says she was married to a Shay Lamden on Earth-1 but he passed away. So seeing her late husband's doppleganger is certainly taxing on her as she distances herself from the previously Man-Shark. The two eventually talk though after Sherloque pushes her into the situation.
So that's the King Shark side. What about Gorilla Grodd?? well at Star Labs we see Cisco & Caitlin argue with Barry about how reckless he was using the cure without really any real intentions other than to stop King Shark. He tells Cisco that he was only helping him but his friend seems unconvinced. Later at Cisco's work space Barry apologizes for his behavior and actually gets knocked to the ground by a Vibe from Cisco. And after locking him in the pipeline goes to see Caitlin who upon arrival we see is standing next to Gorilla Grodd. Turns out he escaped his cell in ARGUS on the night Devoe's big plan at the ending of season 4. With one second to spare he used his powers to convince one of the guards to de power the holding cell letting him out in the process. His plan? well it turns out it was Grodd earlier who was the cause of King Shark's erratic behavior and messed with his mind. So after stealing The Crown tech for himself the mind controlling Gorilla plans to use his newly found and improved min controlling powers to control everybody in Central City from a central point in the city. At Star Labs and having learned of the goings on in the city Shay says he wants to make amends for all the bad things he done as King Shark. Team Flash come up with a way to restore him to his Shark form and with the help of Cisco Shay becomes King Shark once more. As all of this is happening Barry and Nora are out trying to slow down Grodd's plans. Eventually however King Shark is vibed to the area and the battle begins. Two literally giant beasts go toe to toe and honestly while it was fantastic to see this battle on screen it was a little bit short. Understandable given this show's budget and time but I wish it was just a little longer. King Shark comes out on top as expected and gets his Crown tech back and back at Star Labs we see Tanya watching Shay swim around in a giant tank. Sherloque and her talk once more as he says the heart wants what it wants and that their relationship can work as long as they try. This was a nice little hero arc for King Shark to be honest and while not perfect the episode did tap into the meta human cure too which was nice.

The episode ends back at Star Labs with Barry mentioning how he wants to offer the cure to Cicada. But didn't he already say this a few episodes back? I could be wrong but if so this is incredibly poor writing. Even Cisco and Caitlin look taken back by what he says which was odd but yeah that's how it ends. So how was the episode overall then? it was fine. Nothing special and really nothing bad either. It didn't really feel like filler which was a big plus and seeing Grodd V King Shark has always been one of my dream match ups in the DC universe. Well done on making this come to fruition Flash.
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