Supergirl 4x16 : The House Of L review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.
First off I'm just going to say this. This week's episode of Supergirl is the greatest episode this season hands down. Not only does it bring back Lex Luthor from last week but we finally get the origin of the second Supergirl that landed in Kaznia at the end of season 3. Beginning where it left of last week we see Lex jump out of his helicopter. He's free falling for a moment before he is greeted by an exo-suit which takes over his body granting him the ability of flight. Supergirl isn't far behind however and punches him from behind sending him crashing into the giant Daily Planet sign. Atop the building the two fight as Supergirl learns that Lex after taking the cure from last week's episode has developed powers. He tells her that he is Lex Luthor, never assume he can't do anything before picking up the giant Daily Planet globe and smashing it towards Supergirl. A pretty frantic opening to say the last. We're then taken 3 years back time to Lex's court case where after Lena, James and others testify against him he only has one thing to say. ''Superman made me do it'' which is such a brilliant line and totally something Lex would say. Jon Cryer really has been nailing Lex in every department thus far. As the jury come to a verdict Lex is granted 31 consecutive life sentences from the judge who has seemingly began to lose her voice. Lex says it doesn't matter that he is going to jail as he will always have his finger on the pulse and as he is taking away coughs and splutters erupt in the courtroom. All backed by Frank Sinatra's ''My way'' song which was just brilliant. While being escorted out of the courtroom and into a car we see Eve who after last week we know has been working with Lex all along. Soon after Eve pays Lex a visit in prison and turns out that Lex was the one who sent her to work at Cat. Co to spy on James Olsen who he says has been a thorn in his side for quite some time now.
6 months later in prison Lex gets a call from someone. It's the same people we've been seeing all season. After finding the second Supergirl at the end of last season what I can only assume is the military work this second daughter of Krypton to the bone. Bringing her to the outside and teaching her not only her powers which she doesn't quite get the control of at first but also some English as she speaks nothing but Russian. Well apart from one word which she continuously mutters. Alex. Upon arrival in Kaznia Lex meets the second Girlf Of Steel and in classic Luthor form he abuses the naive nature of this Supergirl and says that he is the Alex she has been mentioning and brings her books sent from him in prison. He keeps visiting her however, planting ideas in her head. Even showing her a video of an exploding Krypton mentioning how Kara Danvers is her sister, and how she has everything while this Supergirl has nothing. He even brings her to America (complete with horrible disguises) and brings her to Kara's home. It's all incredibly interesting and so enjoyable. Some time later while out and about continuing to train she injuries herself and is placed in a coma. Lex gets a call and fears for the worst, Eve tells him that Lena has been working on a cure for such situations using the black rock from Krypton. Lex says he must work with his sister so that he can fasten the process and get the cure himself. He mentions how Lena won't just accept him calling out of the blue. No, he must come up with a way to sweeten the deal. And in true bonkers Lex fashion he gives himself cancer. Yes he gives himself cancer as he walks into a room which is seconds later pumped with chemicals. So he has been lying this entire time to the viewer which is brilliant writing and Lena. Side note it's also revealed that Otis Graves was the one who mentioned to Lex to hire Ben Lockwood as a distraction of sorts for National City. Yet again another future foreshadowing that just works. Lex has been planning and plotting all season in the background and honestly it's just great to see it all unfold.
The episode draws to a close at the hospital in National City where Kara rushes in and says that Lex has escaped to James and Alex. She says she will go after him while Alex goes looking for Lena who just so happens to have been placed in her office by Eve with a letter placed by her. Lex goes back to Kaznia once more and gives his blood to the woman who will now be known as Red Daughter. And that's how the episode ends with her agreeing to follow his instructions before going to America once again. This time in full Red Daughter getup. It looks awesome and that's where it comes to a close. Now sure there was some bad moments in this episode like the terrible disguises for both Lex and Supergirl when they first visited America. And Melissa Benoist's Russian accent wasn't the best but that's just me nitpicking. Overall this is one of the greatest Supergirl episodes this season and probably in my top 5 ever. Jon Cryer is knocking it out of the park as Lex and soon we're going to have the Girl Of Steel V Red Daughter match up that I've been looking forward to all season. 4 weeks in a row now Supergirl has been top notch. Long may it last.
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