The Flash 5x14 : Cause and XS review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.
This week's episode of The Flash is centered around Nora West Allen and her struggle to keep all her friends alive as Barry heads into the speedforce to help speed up the meta human cure. It begins as we see Cisco doing more work on the meta human cure at Caitlin's father's lab. He eventually comes up with a 100% success rate and develops the cure but there is one drawback. It will take 28-29 days for the cure to fully develop and be used. Team Flash can't wait that long says Barry as after Iris's run in with Cicada last week he is sure that the big bad will show up again. So after Sherloque mentions how the speedforce will more than likely speed up the duration of the cure working Barry runs out of shot and essentially isn't in the rest of the episode until the very end. Cisco who after last week got that bartender lady's number has a date at Jitters with her. Named Kamila Hwang she is an aspiring photographer. Ralph tries his best to help his friend in what seems like a cyber stalking way and this leads to Cisco completely messing up the date. Not being himself Kamila almost instantly loses interest in him. It's cringeworthy at times how uncool Cisco is but at the same time it's quite funny. With everyone expect Sherloque and Nora gone from Star Labs we're brought to Iris's office where within seconds Cicada shows up and knocks her out. Kidnapping her and taking her a top a roof he lures out Nora who brings along Killer Frost. This isn't a good idea however as Cicada throws his dagger into the night sky and it comes back around hitting Caitlin right in the back presumably killing her. Nora overcome with emotions actually runs back in time and relives the same scene previous at Star Labs over again. This time however she convinces everyone to stay including Iris. But Sherloque does some detective work at Iris's office without anyone knowing but he too gets knocked out and kidnapped by Cicada. So you can already see the pattern here. Whatever Nora does the scenario is going to be played out.
Speaking of scenario's Cisco each time after Nora runs back in time has to relive his date with Kamila all over again. Each time getting more and more silly as he dresses up in a ridiculous outfit to try and impress her and also turns his personality up to max. Once again Kamila isn't impressed by all of this. Back at Star Labs and Nora who after running back in time 52 different times now (wow that's a lot) tells everyone of the situation with Cicada. They all eventually come up with a way to subdue the big bad which includes them all going to the building where it all goes down. Leaving Nora to run back in time thus also slowing it down so Cicada's dagger is directed at him rather than a Team Flash member. Cicada almost brushes it off right away however and just fly's off. Once again back at Star Labs and after finally saving everyone Barry returns with the cure in hand which can now be used. He says what did he miss leaving everyone with an emotionless reaction. Later as Barry and Nora sit down and she tells him of the time she's had he tells his daughter that changing the timeline can have big consequences. He even does the same thing that Jay Garrick told him way back in season 3 about how changing the timeline is dangerous and no matter how many times you try to reset it, it will never truly be the same.
The episode ends as Sherloque finally deciphers all the speedforce symbols on Nora's journal. Speaking of Nora we see her travel to 2049 again where she asks Eobard Thawne does he know exactly what he is doing to which he says he is the only speedster who knows what he is doing. He will help her beat Cicada and then help her save her dad from the future where Barry goes missing. This episode was brilliant I thought. Sure you can call it a bit of filler but the whole scenario of Nora having to constantly travel back in time to save her friends and family was very enjoyable to watch. It reminded me so much of season's 1-3 when Barry would run back in time without knowing the consequences of his actions. It was really interesting to see Nora's struggles with her choices and decisions throughout. The Flash much like Arrow now goes on break until the beginning of March. See you soon Team Flash!
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