The Flash 5x8 : What's Past is Prologue review

Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it

The Flash's mid season finale which also happens to be it's 100th episode has come and gone and with it we're treated to past foes, past heartbreaks and a look at the future. It begins at Star Labs and after identifying Cicada at the end of last week's episode Team Flash tries to come up with some sort of weapon to try and counter act Cicada's dagger. Nora suggests a magnet of some sorts but the tech to develop such a weapon doesn't exist in the current time. But it is in the past. So with a mission to collect a piece of Savitar's suit, the speed force taking vial that Zoom used to take Barry's speed back in season and some dark matter from the Particle Accelerator. When all fused together it should prove effect against Cicada's theory anyways. 

So Barry and Nora set off to go back in time and their first stop is the final battle between Savitar and The Flash. Barry and Nora are being chased by a Time Wraith throughout which causes problems but not one that can stop them as Barry leads the Wraith astray which leaves Nora to try and gather a piece of Savitar's suit that The Flash fazes through and destroys. Nora actually sees Iris murder Savitar before having to run to the next location which is way back in season 2 and the moment Zoom took Barry's speed. Once again Nora sees something she shouldn't have as Barry and Iris talk after The Flash's speed is taken. Barry bumps into Harry Wells while trying to find what he needs and manages to convince him that he is that time periods Barry who just quickly changed out of his suit. After getting what they came for they go to leave but Zoom rushes in and confronts his previous foe and learns of Nora's speed. With Zoom hot on their tails as they run through the speedforce Barry and Nora have help from a Time Wraith this time as it propels Zoom out of speedforce. Barry and Nora end up outside Star Labs at the time when Barry traveled back to ask for Eobard Thawne's help. Speaking of Eobard however Nora suggests they go ask him for help because as they were coming through the vortex what Barry got at Star Labs breaks leaving it useless unless Harry Wells can fix it since it was his tech. But like I said Nora suggests going to see Eobard and Barry eventually agrees. So inside the time vault Eobard Thawne who is in his Harrison Wells disguise almost instantly gets that Nora is Barry's daughter. He mentions Dawn too which is interesting as Barry does have two children in the comics. So could another appear at some point this season?? 
So with the help of Eobard Thawne Barry and Nora go to one more place and that is where it all began. The night of the Particle Accelerator explosion. Barry and Nora manage to sneak inside of the time vault where Barry with the help of Gideon uses all tech gathered thus far and infuses it with dark matter. Gideon funnily enough knows of Nora and is just about to say that she was a recruit of the Legion Of Superhero's before she is cut off by Barry. So with everything gathered Barry and Nora return to their time and plant the magnet like device inside of the hospital wall where years later it should be enough to stop Cicada's dagger dead in it's track. And it actually works as Team Flash take on Cicada outside the hospital their weapon actually works as his dagger is drawn to the magnet but it's short lived however as Cicada seems to get even more powerful and summons it back to him. With Team Flash on the ropes Killer Frost appears and manages to subdue Cicada. Apparently she is immune to his dagger's dampening powers since she wasn't created by dark matter which makes sense. With Cicada subdued for now Barry and Nora visit the moment just before Barry's mom was killed by Thawne before racing back to their original time. 

But of course the episode ends on a cliffhanger and what a cliffhanger this is. As we see Nora inside the time vault asking Gideon to transfer all those symbols we've seen on her journal to someone. She also suggests sending a message but offers to just go and send it herself instead. So we're brought to 2049 where Nora is seen inside a prison of some sorts where we see a man standing in a cell over what appears to be a similar device to that in the time vault. Turns out it is none other than Eobard Thawne the Reverse Flash and Nora says they have to talk. So obviously Nora has been helping Thawne with something but we won't find out until the show returns to it's original continuity in 2019. This makes sense honestly as we know the Reverse Flash is Barry's arch nemesis and he was always going to come back at some point. Add to that we have Harrison Wells version of the character and it should be really interesting. As for the episode itself it was a perfect celebration of 100 episodes of The Flash. It showcased previous villains and moments and gave us a look at the future. Eobard Thawne has always been the standout villain of this show and him facing off against Barry once again should be great. Until 2019 Team Flash it has been a pleasure to be in your company. 



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