Legends Of Tomorrow 4x7 : Hell No, Dolly! review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it
What's that?? this episode of Legends Of Tomorrow is based around an evil spirit going inside of various creepy dolls and puppets and also heavily focuses on Constantine and finally introduces this season's big bad?? yes!..all that and more as this show ups the intensity factor on almost every level. It begins with Constantine who is dreaming. Dreaming of being in a pub and meeting a man who later becomes known as Des or Desmond if you will. The two are seen hooking up and John actually seems happy with his life. That is until a demon begins to interfere with his and Des's new found happiness. But just who is this demon? well according to Constantine it is Neron a devil like character who in exchange for one's soul can offer many things in return. John ultimately has to part with Des as he binds his soul to Neron as he sends them both to hell. We don't actually see Neron in this episode but there is just too many name drops to suggest that he isn't this season's big bad and given Constantine's history with demon's hell and the like it all makes perfect sense.
Speaking of the evil spirit I mentioned earlier turns out it is that of a serial killer named Mike the Spike who has begun inhabiting various dolls and puppets to kill his prey which consists of mostly women. Ava whom seems totally keen on serial killers to the point of actually scaring Sara and co a little is determined to take him down. At first he's a chucky like doll before moving onto the Professor Stein puppet that Citizen Cold had used last season to help the legends deal with the one half of Firestorm's death. Only this show would be able to make a puppet in the form of Professor Stein trying to murder people entertaining. Honestly this episode is completely bonkers but that's what I love about this show. It never takes itself seriously but then on the other hand when it does it really does it right.
More on Constantine now and with the before mentioned Neron owning his soul and after sending both it and Des to hell he comes up with a plan so that he never meets Des which means he never joins the legends which also means that Charlie never gets that spell placed on her by him. Speaking of Charlie towards the end of the episode she explains to Zari just why she is so eager to reverse the spell. She is aging, for the first time in many years she is aging due to the spell by Constantine. Turns out not being able to shape shift has made her age as she used to be immortal. So with Charlie's help Constantine sneaks off to New Orelans 2018 five month or so before he joined the legends and has a massive spat with Des. As one Constantine leaves our version of him enters the apartment and tells Des that what happened between them wasn't real in any way leaving Des to walk out in disgust as he says it was real. This leads to Constantine literally breaking time it looks like as a wave of energy goes over everything even freezing time. Charlie gets her powers back but Zari gets turned into a cat on the jumpship and as the legends fight the Stein puppet all freeze while in fighting stances which was funny. Turns out Constantine meeting Des was apparently a fixed moment in time and due to that he has caused a BIG change in the timeline so who knows what's going to happen next as that is where it ends with Charlie who is the only one unaffected staring at Zari the cat.
I loved this episode. Sure it was overly silly at times and not really that funny like previous episodes but it had an emotional factor for Constantine and finally offered a look at this season's big bad in Neron. Who knows what happens next but I am entirely interested to find out. Legends I shall see you next week for your midseason finale.
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