Supergirl 4x4 : Ahisma review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it
Picking up from last week's episode which ended as Kara was placed in a protective suit to help her stabilize given that the air is full of kryptonite after Otis and Mercy graves dispersed Lena Luthor's device into the atmosphere we see that Kara is still very much suffering from the effects of the kryptonite. Jonn's intensity really reaches high levels throughout the episode also as he feels like Kara is in this situation because he refused to help her fight against the Grave siblings. Him and Alex have a conversation in the DEO hallway where Jonn mentions how he will never live up to his father's name as he is constantly dealing with angry and frustration issues. This is even shown as he tries to communicate through his telepathic powers with Fiona. The woman from earlier in the season who was the head of an a group where aliens could go and talk. As Jonn goes to his home he is interrupted by Manchester Black who is also Fiona's fiancee and after at first questioning Jonn the two actually become quite close throughout the episode as they both agree to help one another locate Fiona. The in depth look at Jonn's frustrations and almost anxiety throughout the episode was really interesting and something I'd like to see more of going forward.
More on Kara now and as she awakes she is breathless and not knowing where she is only factors more to her almost breathless speaking for a moment. Alex tells her what is going on and that she is not to leave the DEO by any means necessary as they still haven't found a way to clear the atmosphere of kryptonite. Kara ever the hero refuses to listen to her sister and commanding officer and when she goes to help Alex and the rest of the DEO against an attack she is badly beaten up as her suit can't handle all the intense energy brought on. Back at the DEO and both Danver sisters begin to challenge one another's authority in another aspect that I really enjoyed about this episode. Brainiac-5 and Lena Luthor eventually end up coming up with a solution to the kryptonite atmosphere problem and do after some time clear up the air which leaves Supergirl back at 100% and ready to take on the Grave siblings in which she does as both are ultimately taken down by one of the alien's that they had previously captured and attempted to mind control. One easter egg I really loved during the final act of the episode was the Beebo plushie that a kid gets a fair before Otis steps on it telling him that's how life gets sometimes. Long live Legends Of Tomorrow is what I say.
The episode comes to a close as I mentioned the Grave siblings plan are defeated but not before we see Manchester Black once more and after the demise of Fiona thanks to the Grave twins we see him buying an ungodly amount of weapons seemingly for a revenge plot. The inclusion of Manchester Black in this episode was really good as him and Jonn really clicked. I hope we see a lot more of him this season. But just before the episode really ends we see the duplicate Supergirl taken out of confinement by guards as she too was affected by the kryptonite attack. She mentions getting back to training which the guards agree to. I can't wait to see our Kara take on this duplicate Kara further down the season. I may have said it before but it really reminds me of the Superman : Red Son storyline. Now obviously not all aspects of that story will be adapted but I'm interested in it nonetheless.
This was a really solid episode of Supergirl in what has been a strong if a bit underwhelming opening 4 episodes at times. Last week's episode being a real highlight thus far. But with Kara now back at 100% I look forward to her flying high once more!
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