Legends Of Tomorrow 4x5 : Tagumo Attacks!!! review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it
Unfortunately must like last week's episode of Legends Of Tomorrow this week's episode feels similar in the sense of it not being all that great. It starts in Tokyo 1951 where a film crew are filming a movie before a giant octopus's tentacle explodes out of the water. Back on the waverider and Ray & Sara continue to debate over Constantine's condition. Ray comes to the conclusion that John needs magical help so after asking Gideon to look for Nora Dahrk he goes to seek her out and get help. Sara on the other hand gathers Zari, Mick and Charlie who go to Tokyo 1951 to investigate what they think is a magical fugitive. So with a plan in place Zari and Mick pretend to be movie producers from Hollywood to cause a distraction leaving Sara and Charlie access to the find the footage captured of the giant octopus.
Ray finds Nora pretty quickly as she is hiding in plain sight almost as she didn't run to a far away time or place but stayed in 2018 in Virginia of all places. Inside a Witcher like medieval fair where people cosplay and interact with one another Ray comes to her rescue and tells her of Constantine's situation and Nora agrees to help but once she does there is no coming back from fully embracing dark magic. Back on board the waverider and Nora goes ahead with Ray's plan and does manage to get Constantine back to full health. But just before she does it she sees a man staring back at her. She questions John but he just says that is his past. So Constantine is back to full health and the first thing he does of course is go for a cigarette. This leaves Ray wanting to send Nora away again but she shows some really strong character development and actually turns herself over into custody. She finally is ready to repent for what she's done and her fathers actions.

Back in 1951 and the legends find the cause of the giant octopus attack. It's in the time period due to the same director from earlier. Turns out he somehow has a book that can make one's imagination become reality. He came up with the idea of a giant octopus and named it Taguma. Not only that but he also comes up with an ending where everyone loses and Tokyo is destroyed. So a new ending needs to be made up quickly which involves my favorite part of the episode. Mick's writing skills come back into question. A nice call back from season 3 where Zari discovered that Mick was writing a sci-fi romance novel. Zari convinces Mick to come up with a new ending to the book and what he comes up with is completely bonkers and so totally in character with him. With the help of an alien warrior queen Tagumo is defeated leaving Mick and his character to...make passionate love much to the disgust of the others.
There was plenty more going on throughout this episode also like Nate and Ava enjoying Thanksgiving at Nate's family home and Gary's relationship with his co worker heating up. But it comes to a close as Nate's father slips away to take a phone call and mentions that all the creatures caught throughout time are controllable. As earlier Nate and Gary managed to subdue various creatures who had escaped confinement. Nate's dad then mentions that Project H.A.D.E.S is a go and it ends there. This episode was really hit and miss for me. Much like last week some jokes fell flat and overall it just didn't feel as charming as this show has the past year or so now. Here's hoping things improve soon.
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