Legends Of Tomorrow 4x6 : Tender Is the Nate review

Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it

Finally after 2 lackluster episodes Legends Of Tomorrow returns to it's (almost best) and while there is still some issues this is a very strong episode into the show's fourth season. It begins at the Time Bureau where Mona who after aiding in last week's attempt to fed the magical creatures gets a full time job at the Time Bureau. She is super awkward at her job and at times can be annoying which does drag this episode down a bit but not enough to derail the whole thing. As Ava shows Mona around we see various prisoners like last week's Werewolf but we also see Nora Dahrk locked up after surrendering herself in last week's episode. Later in the episode as the team is on a mission Ray goes to the Time Bureau in an attempt to send a love letter to Nora. Mona agrees to deliver it for him but she makes a complete mess of the situation and gets herself, Ava and Nora trapped inside of the cell room. This leads to the three actually bonding together as they share stories of their past. Nora eventually is given the letter but not before Mona blurts out that she is her and Ray's biggest shipper (it's stuff like that, that is just so cringe worthy) funnily enough however when Nora opens the letter Ray is trapped inside of it stuck to the glue in his ATOM suit. So he helps them all out and Nora later comes up with a letter of her own. Nora seems completely out of character at times throughout as she seems almost too nice but she did go through an entire redemption arc so I guess it can be excused. Mona on the other hand doesn't lose her job and actually loves her role at the Time Bureau. 

As all that was happening you have Nate and his father working together as they pay a visit to the waverider in an attempt for Nate's dad to see just where all his money is going and what the legends are doing with it. The amount of money for various things is a bit extreme honestly and it's funny to actually know now what is spent on what. So Nate is back on board the waverider but of course Charlie is also on board in Amaya form and so the legends try their best to keep them apart from diverting their attention elsewhere but it's no use as Nate eventually does see Charlie and thinking it's Amaya he embraces her leading to her punching him telling him that she's not his disco loving bloody ex. Nate's dad laughs at the fact that his son got punched by a girl but Sara ends up threatening him which was funny. So with the boss overlooking them the legends get a location of the latest magical creature loose throughout time. Paris 1927 is the location and the magical creature turns out to be a minotaur who has been hiding in the Paris catacombs. So along with Ernest Hemmingway who just turns out to be Nate's dad's hero the legends go and try to take down the mythical beast but to no avail at first as they are completely overpowered. Back on the waverider and after doing more research Nate comes up with a to defeat the beast without actually harming it while Constantine makes up the scent of a female minotaur to lure the male into a trap. So back at the bar from earlier and the minotaur shows up only for all hell to break loose. Basically leaving Nate and his dad to tame the beast by signing a lullaby Nate's dad sings a song that manages to calm the beast and it falls backwards into a deep slumber. The minotaur has probably besides the fairy godmother been my favorite magical creature thus far. 
The episode ends aboard the waverider as the legends celebrate their victory with Nate by having a pizza party. Nate tells everyone that he is going back to the Time Bureau but there will always be a place for him within the legends says Sara. Like I said at the beginning I really did like his episode. It wasn't perfect by any means but it really felt a lot better than the previous 2 weeks. The humor still isn't great but it's getting there. Until next week then Legends!



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