Arrow 7x7 : The Sladside Redemption review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it
My word what an episode of Arrow. Not only did it only feature the slabside prison and it's surrounding rooms and areas but it also featured some of the best action scenes this season. It begins as Oliver is told that he will be leaving the prison in just a couple of hours in his trade with Diaz. Speaking of Diaz a police escort pulls up outside the prison with Diaz in the back. He gets out and after telling one of the drivers about Oliver being released he agreed to help the criminal mastermind finally settle the score. He has him kill all cops in the immediate area. Back inside and Oliver tells Stanley whom after last week has been outed by The Green Arrow himself. He tells him that he knows it was him who killed that prison guard and that when he gets out he is going to make sure he faces justice. Stanley breaks down and continuously unravels throughout the episode eventually being the only prisoners along with Oliver to get out of the prison.
Diaz the evil bad guy that he is goes to pay Oliver a visit and threatens his life, Felicity's life and William's life. Oliver attempts to break the glass with the phone but is quickly subdued by the guards and taken back to his prisoner. And this is where the episode really heats up as now he knows that Diaz is inside the prison he tells the guard to let him go or face the wrath of Diaz, because as we know he will stop at nothing to get and succeed at what he wants. The prison guard refuses Oliver's request which leads to him making a makeshift bomb to bust open his cell and the chase is on and Oliver jumps runs and fight his way through various guards as the prison is placed in lockdown. While in lockdown prisoners are made to stand in the yard. This is where Diaz once more enters the fray and kills ever more guards as he rallies the inmates to his side in an attempt to completely destroy slabside and Oliver Queen. Oliver gets some much needed help from Bronze Tiger who he earlier went to see in the hole and the fight is on. The fight scenes in this episode like I said earlier are really, really good and add so much to what would be an amazing episode even without them. With emotions and intensity running high and the inmates literally running the asylum Oliver and Diaz square off once more. It's bloody, it's brutal and it's just great. Diaz who gets the upper hand on Oliver for a bit mentions how Felicity put a gun to his face. Oliver says she would never but Diaz says that she has changed and it's all his fault. With Oliver seemingly defeated the tides are turned when he manages to drive a scissor through Diaz inside the prison cell before closing the door and leaving him there to seemingly die. Who knows if he will die but this entire episode was brilliantly done from the action to the intensity factor it really was impressive and is not only the best episode this season of Arrow but for my money is one of the best ever episodes made. A must watch for any fan of the show.

It comes to a close as Stanley whom earlier I mentioned managed to escape through the morgue but not before leaving Brick for dead. So I imagine he'll be hunting Oliver on the outside soon enough. Speaking of Oliver though he is finally seen walking out of Slabside where he is greeted by Diggle and Felicity before the two embrace. I loved this episode so much. It's easily the best episode this season so far and shows that Arrow has still got a lot more to offer. Nice to see you on the outside Mr Queen!
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