The Flash 5x4 : News Flash revew
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it
A creative title for this episode for sure as not only does it feature a lot of headlines that induce hypnosis but also the person who causes the trouble is a reporter. It all begins as we're brought back to the ending of season 4 where Nora helped Barry destroy Devoe's satellite. Back on the ground Nora also saves a woman from death but not before this woman's eyes turn purple and she becomes (later in the episode) the villain of this episode. At Barry and Iris's apartment we see Iris making breakfast for her Barry and Nora who right away you notice there is something wrong with. Iris makes lightning bolt shaped pancakes for both Flash's which turn out horrible but Barry being the good husband that he is says they are delicious. Nora is not convinced however as the relationship between her and Iris really heats up throughout the episode.
Barry along with other members of the CCPD have a softball game to play and Barry is completely hopeless throughout. For a man who is the fastest alive he isn't allowed to show it and is called a horrible athlete by Iris which was funny. As everyone is watching the game a guy with a bag walks onto the sidelines but within seconds he is stopped by Nora as his bag is thrown into the air where it explodes. Nora tells Barry that she has no idea what just happened and this is where Spencer Young comes into play. A reporter who is more famous than Iris according to Nora. A woman who can cause hypnosis through headlines that she creates. How did she get these powers?? well it all comes back to the Devoe's satellite which left Dark Matter throughout the city leaving countless meta human's created. 1 which actually turns out to be Cicada and that is how he got his powers including the weapon that he uses. But as Spencer Young and Iris clash throughout the episode she really takes a liking to Nora and tries to get her the praise instead of Barry. Spencer even goes as far as to flirt with Nora which was cute if a bit odd. At one point Spencer manages to send Barry running all the way to Las Vegas via one of her headlines leaving Nora to stop a fire at Central City Picture News.
But it's the episodes climax that is really good here as signals of a bomb have been reported at a soccer stadium both The Flash and XS run to the rescue but are interrupted once more by one of Spencer's headlines which appears above the pitch simply saying XS kills The Flash so Nora and Barry duke it out for a bit which was a nice change of pace. Nora is eventually stopped by Iris and Barry apprehends Spencer all in a Flash...(okay that was terrible) back at Star Labs and after going to investigate Cicada's mask and it's origin Sherloque Wells and Ralph come to the conclusion that both him and his weapon were indeed created at the end of season 4 like I mentioned. Also at Star Labs however we finally find out why Nora seems so distant and uninterested in her mom Iris. Turns out in the future Iris plants a power depleting chip within Nora which causes her to not have powers. Nora blames Iris for not letting her choose to become a hero much like her dad. Barry agrees with Iris's decision in the future and this leaves Nora reeling leading to her going to Joe's to stay for a while. This was tense and emotional for sure and I can't wait to see it play out more. The episode ends as we see him struggling for breath before falling to the ground where he places his hand on a pole before completely bending and crushing it in his bare hands. Super strength perhaps?? that is where the episode ends as he still struggles with the pain he has been suffering with.
Like the previous 3 episodes thus far I really did like this episode. It looks like The Flash has finally found it's footing after a lackluster season 4 and at times awful season 3. 4 episodes in and it is consistently great which is a welcome surprise and one that makes me happy. It's good to have you back at your absolute best Team Flash, until next week!
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