Legends Of Tomorrow 4x1 : The Virgin Gary review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it
Legends Of Tomorrow returns for it's 4th season and my what an episode to return with. After what in my opinion was some of the finest TV the Arrowverse has ever produced in Legend's third season the show returns but this time with a completely new spin on it's cast, crew and challenges. The episode begins as we see the legends escorting The Beatles through an airport before an invader from the British Revolution shows up. He is quickly escorted away by the team. It's a simple set up but the episode just takes off from there as back on the waverider Nick, Ray, Zari and Mick all seem down and out with only Sara seeming happy and confident about the situation. They defeated Mallus and they should be happy she tells her fellow legends but Nate responds by telling her that he expected monsters and magic by now and nothing has happened. This is because of Constantine who as we saw at the end of season 3 said Mallus wasn't the only thing that escaped from his prison before dropping a dragon's head in front of the legends. (Thanks Johnny), once more this show nails it's humor as the way the characters interact and bounce off one another is such a joy to watch.
Speaking of Constantine however after a party thrown for the legends by Ava, Gary and the rest of her team we see Ava and Sara in a bed in Ava's apartment. She tells Sara that now everything is back to normal that she would love for her to stay with her and be as Sara put it a half decent honest woman. Sara actually agrees and as she goes to get champagne to celebrate she is greeted by Constantine who tells her that the darkness is rising. (This is when I got serious flashbacks to Constantine's show) as he is escorted out of their apartment Sara learns of a new anachronism in 1969 Woodstock which is none other than a Unicorn who loves to kill and eat the hearts of it's victims. Ray and Zari are also in Woodstock as Ray thinks the anachronism is Nora Dahrk who earlier in the episode we found escape and is somewhere on the run with the time stone that Ray gave her in season 3's finale. Nate and Mick also show up and just as they do the Unicorn claims another victim. This leaves Sara little to no choice and she recruits Constantine to help deal with the Unicorn to which he agrees. Constantine is such an essential part of this show already and he's only been in 2-3 episodes thus far. He comes up with a plan to send the Unicorn back to hell and it's in the form of a spell that includes various different things. One being a virgin of all things and who is a virgin?? why Gary of course who agrees to be the bait for the Unicorn in yet another hilarious scene as Constantine ultimately sheds the beast's colors and shows it's true form before sending it to hell leaving Gary with only one nipple along the way.
The episode ends as Sara this time pays Constantine a visit and asks him to join the legends. He refuses quite quickly as Sara notices that something is not quite right with him. She leaves and as John is in the bathroom the lights flicker and he seemingly battles a demon in nothing but a towel. He tells whatever it is that attacked him to reveal itself but it ends up writing ''I'm coming for you Johnny'' on the mirror instead. This episode was brilliant. At not one moment did it feel boring and the again the cast just click. The inclusion of Matt Ryan's Constantine is already going to be a season stealing role as he was made for that part. Legends Of Tomorrow is the best DC TV show by a country mile and is easily a must watch for any fan of crazy, over the top shows with always a sense of never forgetting what it is at it's core. Welcome back Legends, it's incredible to be in your company once more.
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