Ant-Man And The Wasp review
I really enjoyed the first Ant-Man movie. At the time of it's release it felt like such a breath of fresh air into the MCU. It had a solid lead in Paul Rudd and showcased the character of Ant-Man off in a really cool way that wasn't seen in any of Marvel movies beforehand. But with it's sequel which introduces some new characters can it keep the good times rolling? well yes and no. At times Ant-Man And The Wasp is hilarious with some really impressive action sequences which involving shrinking down into miniature sizes and literal body expanding between our hero's Ant-Man And The Wasp. But at other times it's painfully not funny with some really forced jokes that didn't manage to even raise a grin.
The cast are really good throughout here as Paul Rudd again is brilliant as Ant-Man and Evangeline Lily is also good as The Wasp and the two really share a nice dynamic together as we saw in the first movie. With a returning Michael Douglas and Laurence Fishburne you also have some strong imposing figures and they also do a good job throughout. But once again just like the first movie it's Michael Pena who steals the show quite literally. Now don't get me wrong not every scene he is in is funny with some being really cheesey and somewhat forced but for the most part he's funny, he's charming and incredibly likable. I was also really impressed with the villain of this movie. She actually felt rather fresh as far as character motives go and her overall goal wasn't something that we've seen before. It keeps the trend going of Marvel movies having decent to somewhat really good villains as the past couple of movies have had strong antagonists which is always a good thing to see and it helps the overall narrative and flow between characters.
Ant-Man And The Wasp won't disappoint true hardcore MCU fans as it will make you laugh and it will entertain with the final act being the real highlight but at times the pacing really lets it down as the first half of the movie felt like it was really dragging at some points but once you get past that the rest is plain sailing. A decent if somewhat flawed at times follow up to the original Ant-Man movie that will leave you smiling when you leave the cinema. Enjoyable!
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