Supergirl 3x23 : Battles Lost And Won review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it
The season finale of Supergirl's third season has come and gone and with it came one of the most overall solid episodes this season and brought to a close what has been an enjoyable season overall. It begins right from last week's ending as National City continues to be torn apart from the ground up by Reign and the terraforming technology. This prompts everyone into action to fight for not only National City but the entire Earth. So Kara, Mon-El, Alura, Jonn, his father and Guardian all race to save the city. They are also aided by Imra and Brainiac-5 who return after getting Mon-El's signal message from Argo City. They all do some serious work but in the end it is Jonn's father who ends up saving the whole city but at the cost of his own life. He of course knew this before hand but the scene nevertheless where he and his son say their goodbyes was really impact full and emotional. Before he sinks into the cracks forming he shows his son the very first Green Martian and tells him to fight for peace just like he did or at least tried to do. Jonn agrees and says goodbye to his father and not long after this the city is restored. But Reign? well she continues to gather strength and Sam becomes weaker. As she is in Reign dimension Sam meets her mother or what can only be described as a mirage. The two talk a little before Sam finally finds the fountain of strength that was mentioned last week and drinks from it giving her supreme strength which is able to take on Reign and defeat her once and for all. More on Reign later.
At the DEO we see Brainiac-5 sneak up on Mon-El and he has some troubling news about the future. While Pestilence was killed which prevented the blight and save millions of lives Brainiac-5's evil ancestor is very much still alive and causing a plague of his own in the future. Brainiac exists in this universe is pretty much what he says and he is threatening all AI life in the future which is why he himself can't return. This is when he tells Mon-El not only needs him to be the hero of the future but it also needs Winn. Why Winn? well after creating a device to protect people in last week's episode it turns out that Winn's design is treasured in the future and he is needed to help stop the plague against AI and stop the epidemic. They both eventually agree to the cause and at the end of the episode everyone shares an emotional goodbye as Winn and Mon-El head to the future as Legion members. Honestly didn't expect Winn to go but it'll be interesting to see how it all plays out and who knows maybe Brainiac might be season 5's villain perhaps?
More on Reign now and at the fortress where she and Serena and the other 2 dark kryptonians are we see that Coville still lives and he actives the beacon on Jonn's ship which he says is next to some sort of power generating substance. This gives everyone at the DEO the location and they blast off and commence a full scale attack on Reign. As Reign as Supergirl in a choke hold Sam appears from behind and stabs Reigns in the back killing her in the process but as this happens Reign's heat vision goes completely off the edge and injures Jonn, kills Mon-El and Alura. This leads to Supergirl asking Winn and Alex for a disruption so she can travel back in time to before Reign was killed. Where's Barry when you need him?? she does go back in time but this time she uses to the black rock to subdue Reign and take her along with Sam into the Reign dimension once more where Sam makes her drink from the fountain that greatly decreases strength. Reign's demise does indeed come as she is take away by what looked like time-wraiths much like Zoom in The Flash's season 2 finale. So that's Reign over and done with. My thoughts on her as a whole this season? well while she has been good in some episodes like the mid-season finale where she pummeled Kara in others she was completely underused. I actually ended up liking the Sam character more as her struggle to keep herself human and be a mother felt more interesting. Reign did prove and equal in terms of strength for Supergirl but it was Sam who brought the emotional aspect this season. Fingers crossed she shows up sometime in season 4 again.
The episode ends however as we go 48 hours back in time and at a Siberia base we see an almost naked Kara walk up the front of the entrance before it cuts to the Supergirl logo. So I'm guessing when Kara used the black rock to travel in time she created a duplicate of herself? Dark Supergirl looks like will be Season 4's big bad and I'm perfectly okay with that to be honest. I enjoyed this episode. For a season finale I felt it really delivered as the stakes were high and the characters all went through some major changes. As for the season overall I have to say it was a mixed bag and while there was nothing really bad there was some only okay / filler episodes that came in the back half of the season. The first 9 episodes in my opinion were really impressive and those I still remember while I can't even remember some episodes from episode 15 on wards and that says a lot. That being said this was an improvement on last season which overall I did enjoy watching. Until season 4 Kara!
Season overall :
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