The Flash 4x23 : We Are The Flash review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it
This show did it. They finally did it. They delivered the best episode this season and it just so happens to be the finale. Coincidence? I think not as this finale is the most fun I've personally had all season long with this show. With that being said let's get into the episode. It begins at Jitters where we see Captain Singh who is ringing Barry leaving him a voicemail that after reading through Iris's reports and articles online about Devoe the mayor of Central City has decided to give him his job back at the CCPD. This is short lived however as power in the entire city goes out leaving nothing but a purple sky and all we see is chaos below as Devoe stands high atop a building looking down at what he has caused. At Star Labs and Cecil begins to have seriously strong contractions, and with the power being out her and Joe can't make it to the hospital as all cars in the city have also stopped. Basically everything has stopped and as Cisco manages to get the back up generator going in Star Labs Caitlin tells Cecil and Joe that she can deliver the baby if needs be. In the time vault and Cisco and Barry learn how Devoe powered the Star Labs satellite. He used Harry as a guinea pig of sorts. As Harry used his Thinking Cap! he filled up a vial of dark matter and that's what Devoe used to power and begin 'The Enlightenment' as Cisco and Barry try to figure out if Gideon can somehow help Iris enters the room but she's not alone as she has brought Marlize Devoe with her.
Marlize and the team talk and she tells them to stop Devoe Barry must transfer his consciousness into Devoe's mind. And the person to help him do this? none other than Cecil and her ever expanding powers. Cisco also learns that once she has the baby Cecil will lose her powers. Cecil who is heavily pregnant at this point agrees to help Barry and team defeat Devoe once and for all. Barry is sent into his mind and ends up at the beginning of it all. At the exact place he came out of the speedforce in episode 1. He goes inside the bus but there's nobody even around except of course for Devoe who Barry spots and eventually ends up running to Devoe and Marlize's house to find any part of the 'good' Devoe This is when he bumps into Ralph who isn't in fact dead just being held as a prisoner of sorts inside Devoe's mind. Him and Barry share a really emotional moment as they both come up with a plan to ultimately stop The Thinker! Ralph suggests that to find the 'good' Devoe they go find the college professor to which him and Barry do but when they arrive he's already dead. Presumably killed by the ever growing powerful maniacal version of Devoe. After this is when the episode just forgets everything and has a really good time as countless Devoe's fight against Barry a newly empowered Elongated Man we get some really fun and creative ways that they fight against the Devoe army. Including Barry who uses Ralph as a giant weapon that swings around in circles taking out everything in their path. As they take out the clones they realize they are close to Devoe's nexus. The part of his brain that is basically the exit which if they do manage to escape will lead to Devoe's demise and Ralph's comeback. So Flash with Ralph on his shoulders like a cape runs to the exit pushing aside everything in his path. The two of them manage to escape and Devoe ends up getting erased (his body has been dead since the mid season finale) Ralph's powers were the catalyst for his reason to look like his old self. So that's it Team Flash win as Marlize tells her husband that he failed. He could have never planned for the emotional connection between the team and Ralph. As everything seems fine and dandy inside Star Labs on the outside Devoe's satellite threatens to reign down on Central City. This fight is far from over as Cisco and Ralph deal with people on the ground Barry runs at super sonic speed to destroy the satellite to which he does or does he? as just as he is about to punch it time reverses and we see a purple lightning streak follow behind that helps in destroying the satellite. Back on the ground The Flash gets the applause from residents of Central City but the viewer is left questioning just what happened?
More on Marlize and before she leaves she gives Cisco a way to restore Harry's mind to which they all go and do and while it does restore his basic memory it leaves Harry without his higher IQ but he doesn't seem to mind. He tells everyone that he is heading home to Earth-2 to see Jesse and they all hug it out before he leaves the room with Cisco saying it's an end of an era. So no more Harrison Wells on this show? that would definitely be the end of an era but honestly I don't see it. Wells has been one of the best aspects of this show ever since it began (all variations of course) that were portrayed so well by Tom Cavanagh. Hopefully he comes back in guest roles or something as the character is as I said one of the best parts of this show throughout it's 4 year run. The episode ends as Cecil gives birth to her and Joe's daughter they all celebrate at their house including Wally who returns to see his daughter after being away with the Legends. He tells Joe that he didn't know who he was when he left almost that he felt like his way in the shadow of Barry but after his time with the legends he knows his place. So I'm guessing he'll be back on this show for season 5 then?. Iris tells Barry that she wants a baby someday and he completely loses it which was funny. But just as everyone is about to settle down there is a knock on the door and it's none other than the mysterious girl from past episodes. Turns out she's none other than Barry and Iris's daughter (surprise, surprise) from the future and she has done something really bad. And that's how season 4 comes to a close. With a story already heading into season 5 which is a really good thing to see.
Honestly this episode was brilliant and really felt like a season 1 or 2 episode. Not the best finale by any means as season 1 and even season 2's out do it but this is as good as it gets for this show. Season 4 over all? well it was definitely a mixed season that's to say the least. Filled with some good episodes and some really bad ones that me questioning what this show was even trying to do. But I stuck with it and I was rewarded with a really strong finale. Thank you Team Flash I shall see you all in season 5!
Season overall :
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