The Flash 4x21 : Harry And The Harrisons review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it
After last week's entirely interesting episode this show slows the pace to a grinding halt once again. And with it being so close to finale I don't understand why they did it. This episode feels completely out of place in the episode order. There's no follow up to Devoe and his wife's apparent break-up and nothing really interesting comes out of it. That being said let's get into it. It begins as we see Barry in bed asleep before he's awoken suddenly by a noise coming from downstairs. He checks for Iris but she isn't next to him. She's downstairs looking up research on Devoe and planning on writing an article to expose him. Barry seems thrown by this and later confronts her about not writing the article as it will expose what they are doing in Star Labs. He later comes around and tells her to go ahead and publish the article to which she does. Speaking of Barry he and team agree that they need a non tech type weapon to destroy all of Devoe's satellite's located around the globe. And who they decide to get to help? well Amunet. Amunet who was one of the most annoying and not all that interesting villains from earlier in the season. Caitlin and Barry go to pay her a visit but turns out she has gone dark since the whole jail scenario where she and the warden tried to sell meta's one which included Barry a few episodes back. They eventually end up finding her and she goes to Star Labs with them having agreed to help them destroy the satellite's. There's actually a pretty funny moment as when she sees The Flash she notices right away that it's Barry. It's surprising how more people don't notice it like she did but it was funny nevertheless. The plan is to use Amunet's shard powers to bring down the satellite's but things don't go according to plan however as someone as stolen her stash. So it's a rescue mission to get them back from an old working buddy of Amunet's from earlier in the season. They do end up getting the shards back and Amunet ends up giving the team a little ball made up of her shards but they have enough power and force to destroy the satellite's. Amunet bails on everyone leaving them to figure things out for themselves. Like I said this episode just really isn't all that interesting and felt almost like a chore to watch at times.
But the real offender of this episode? well that has to be the Council Of Wells. Now to be honest I never really liked the council even back at the early half of the season. The episode they were involved in was just plain silly and felt completely out of place. We are however introduced to some new versions of Harrison Wells as Harry who is losing his mind remember tries to re-enter the original council is denied by it's members for being a 'dumb dumb' Cisco comes up with an idea to create another council and they do. Credit to Tom Cavanagh in this one who really does look like he's having a ton of fun playing all these wacky and bizarre versions of Harrison Wells. But that's where the credit ends however at least for me as these scenes aren't funny don't do anything to further the plot and feel completely out of sync with the rest of the episode. I just don't get what this show is trying to do sometimes and it's disappointing given how amazing and unique the first two seasons of the show was. It's hard to watch it decline in quality over the past 2 seasons.
The episode ends as Iris after publishing her article gets hundreds of hits within minutes of people claiming to have seen Devoe and who are willing to help. Barry seems shocked by this and says Devoe will have nowhere left to run and hide anymore now that his plan is out there for everyone to read about. There's only 2 episodes left this season and I pray with everything that I got that they do the show justice and lead us into a hopefully improved season 5 much like what happened with Arrow. Until next week Team Flash!
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