The Flash 4x15 : Enter Flashtime review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it
Wow..The Flash really pulled a show stopper out of the bag with this one. For my money I'd say this is easily one of the best episodes in the show's history and I'm going to explain why. The episode begins as we see Barry stopping time and bringing Iris into the speedforce much like he did in the courtroom during the trial of The Flash. He tells her that he can't save everyone this time and that is where the episode brings us back to before everything went down. As Barry is trying to figure out a way to run into those pockets of dimension energy that Devoe uses to move from place to place throughout the city. He enlists Cisco to help him by opening breaches for him to run into. He keeps repeating the process until Iris convinces him to stop and take a breather to which he does. They both agree to take a breather from everything and go on a date night together but this is where the episode really heats up. As Joe is in charge of protecting an ARGUS transport to the airport he and the CCPD come under attack by a group of masked gunmen. One of these a girl blows up the ARGUS transport truck and activates the bomb inside detonating it in the process. This is where Barry Cisco Caitlin and a returning Jesse Quick show up and both Flash's enter Flashtime. A name made by Cisco in which a speedster can enter and run so quick that everything else around them appears dormant and almost statue like. Barry tells Jesse to go to Earth 3 to get Jay Garrick so he can help them. To which she does, Barry on the other hand brings both Cisco and Killer Frost into Flashtime to try and deal with the bomb to no avail. This is when he decides to go to see Harry at Star Labs and he suggests throwing the bomb into the speedforce but this is where Jay and Jesse enter the scene and Jay tells Barry that he could literally destroy the speedforce if he does this. So the 3 brainstorm ideas and while they do come up with some they have little to no effect on the bomb and Jay even wears his powers out leaving him frozen in time like all the others. This leaves Jesse and Barry to deal with the issue. Barry tells Jesse to leave and she does but she goes to see her dad one more time before the apparent destruction of Central City. But she too wears her powers out and freezes like Jay. This leaves Barry and he begins to really lose it from this point on. Tired and on the brink of just giving up he goes to Iris (the part at the beginning of the episode) and they both talk before she tells Barry how Cisco and Caitlin got him out of the speedforce by using a sphere to trick it into thinking Barry was still inside. So into the speedforce Barry goes to retrieve the sphere, while being chased by lighting bolts he runs to where the bomb is and throws the sphere into it causing the process to be reversed saving the entire city.
My words do what I've just written little to no justice as this episode is quite tense as the anticipation of the bomb going off heats up and Barry and co run to try and stop it before it destroyed everything including themselves. This is what every Flash episode should strive to be like. Comic book accurate and filled with some really good storytelling. I'd say this is the best episode of the show in years, maybe even since season 1's finale which was incredible. This is Team Flash at it's absolute BEST!
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