Legends Of Tomorrow 3x14 : Amazing Grace review

Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it

The Legends do it again. With this week's episode this show has delivered another stellar episode that puts the other DC TV shows to shame in my opinion. The episode begins as a young man enters a music shop wanting to buy a guitar. He ends up seeing a certain guitar that he wants but the owner is reluctant to give it to him. He eventually gives him the guitar but little does the guy know that it is cursed. The guy who buys the guitar? well it's none other than Elvis Presley, The King of Rock N Roll himself. As he leaves with the guitar in toe he tells the owner that he's going to be on the radio one day everyone just has to wait and see. 

Back on the waverider and Zari shows Wally around the ship. His constant speed antics begin to annoy her and other members of the team. As Zari goes to play Guitar Hero she notices that the name has been changed to trombone hero. Various other things also get changed on the ship like the name of Mick's pet rat (more on the rat later) and Nate's hair not being it's usual self which was hilarious. It's learned that all of this is happening because of mass hysteria in Memphis in 1954 caused by Elvis and his music as it is soon learned the guitar he bought at the start of the episode bears a totem at the top of it. Infact it is the Death Totem one of the most dangerous totems according to Constantine who Sara calls up and asks him about. We don't see him unfortunately but he'll be on the episode next week which looks and sounds amazing. So it's mission time to get the totem from the guitar but not before Elvis can record his first song that introduces him to the masses. Nate and Amya agree to go and help Elvis posing as a manager Nate and Elvis really connect as Nate's inner fanboy comes out in spades which leads to some really fun scenes. As Elvis finishes his song his god loving uncle enters the recording studio and takes the record telling everyone that it is the devils music and this leads to Elvis Amya and Nate getting locked into a jail cell. But no fear as it's Wally and Zari to the rescue as they go to visit the uncle at his church they both manage to talk him around leading to him giving them the record to which Wally runs to a radio station and Elvis's first song is played throughout Memphis. The store owner from the start of the episode also gets a nice little nod as he remembers the young musician's words from earlier. But as all of this is going down the dead begin to rise from their graves as the totem works it's magic as the song plays on the radio. This leads Elvis to rise up and perform a really quite amazing rendition of Amazing Grace that drives all the dead back to their graves, including his brother who as he said earlier had been by his side ever since he got the guitar. 
I said I'd come back to Mick's pet rat that I mentioned earlier and well this show somehow did it. They managed to make me feel for a rat. I don't really like rat's at all to be honest but this show had my emotions running high as Mick's rat dies and Ray suggests a funeral for Mick's furry friend Axel. The ghost of the rat actually rises from it's shoebox coffin but later returns as Mick says goodbye to his buddy. It was quite somber and really well done. That being said the episode ends as Elvis gives Nate the Death Totem and everything that had earlier changed is restored to it's original state. This episode was once again in true legends style just brilliant. This show has been on such a roll since it came back in February. Pumping out amazing episode after amazing episode. It really is the best DC TV show right now. Long live the Legends Of Tomorrow!



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