Legends Of Tomorrow 3x13 : No Country For Old Dads review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it
Another week another fine outing for The Legends Of Tomorrow this time the story being told mainly from the villain side of things. The episode begins as we Sara and Ava all loved up on board the waverider sharing breakfast together having spent the night together on the ship. A moment or so passes before Gary a prominent member of Ava's agency appears on the screen and informs them that Ray has sent a message through a Palmer Tech phone to the Agency. He informs them that he has been kidnapped by Damien Darhk and his daughter who now have 3 totem's in their possession. Damien even reveals he has the Fire Totem and it is why he has kidnapped Ray so he can work to fix it and restore it to it's full potential. He runs in to some obstacles however as he needs some major power energy to fix the totem. Cold Fusion is the key to this Damien tells him but Ray had never heard of it being invented. And this is where the episode really kicks into gear. As we learn that Damien's past self was an assassin who in 1962 Berlin murders the man who invents Cold Fusion. So it's up to Nora and Ray to go back in time to 1962 and retrieve either the doctor or the formula but of course things don't go as planned. All of this is told from Nora's perspective for the most part and honestly I really liked this. It was the first time this season that I actually liked the Nora character (besides the young Nora in Constantine's episode) she shows that she does have a heart of some sorts and her connection with Ray was a lot of fun to watch.
Damien Darhk on the other hand is the standout performer in this episode as he is seen from two different points of view. We got present day Damien and assassin Damien with a god awful that I just had to laugh at every time he appeared on screen wearing it. This was also the first time I really liked and sort of connected with the Damien Darhk character since Arrow season 4 which was a welcome surprise. Speaking of nice surprise's it was really good to see Wally in action as Kid Flash in this episode even if for a brief second. He rescues Ray after Ray triggers a time quake in 1962 while in his ATOM suit. Wally even manages to swipe the Fire Totem from Damien which was cool. The episode ends as Ava and Rip (now back on the team in some way) connect to the head of the time agency only for him to be straight up murdered by a returning Gorilla Grodd. ''Oh my god'' ''No that would be Grodd'' a nice fun exchange between Ray and Ava, not before Wally agrees to join the Legends full time which was great and I can't wait to see more of him and how he'll fit into the team for the rest of the season. This was another solid episode of Legends Of Tomorrow and another example of why it is the best DC show (maybe besides Gotham) on TV right now. Till next week Legends!
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