Black Panther review

Marvel Studio's latest entry into the MCU brings us Black Panther. This movie is at it's best during it's many varied and compelling actions sequences and at it's worst during it's proposed 'comedic' moments which while some are funny others didn't even fail to raise a grin on my face.

The story begins pretty much after Captain America Civil War, Wakanda a supposed war torn country's king has fallen and now it falls to his son Prince T-challa to rise up and claim the thrown and the gift of the Black Panther that's pretty much the story and while it's filled with one or two plot twists that are a bit predictable aside from one really big plot twist that had me going like huh? well that certainly makes things more interesting it is still an enjoyable watch and certainly one of the most unique MCU movies to date especially in it's scenery which at times is absolutely spectacular. Chadwick Boseman is really good as the lead and carries the movie well a king that is for his people and his people only. Michael B Jordon is borderline annoying as the big bad at least to me. His quick whips and lines are all pretty poor and don't seem all that threatening at least in a mental way. When it comes to the physical side of things he really ups the game and becomes a really credible threat one even strong enough to possibly over thrown the entirety of Wakanda. The rest of the cast do a good job including Martin Freeman (returning from Civil War) and Lupita Nyong'o who is a strong female lead. But in my opinion it's Andy Serkis who really steals the show here. Not on screen for all that long but he definitely leaves a mark. It's so good to actually see him in person for a change rather than be a stand in motion capture actor he really is talented. The final act is both thrilling and well done both from a film making point of view and it's stunts and action set pieces that are varied and never feel old minus the CG effects which I still can't get over in today's movies. So many movies look so fake whether it be the background effects animals or even weapons. The effects don't look all that bad in this but some do stick out like a sore thumb and look really out of place. But for the most part this has some clean effects compared to other big budget movies.
All in all this will definitely please big fans of the MCU. It is definitely worth going to see if you're big into Marvel and just like a real fun movie going experience. Wakanda forever!



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