Supergirl 3x10 : Legion Of Superheros review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.
Supergirl is back and can I just say what an episode to come back with. It's full to the absolute brim with action drama and everything else in between. The episode begins as right away we're introduced to Brainiac 5 as he is able to get inside of Kara's brain as she is still in a coma after what happened with Reign during the mid season finale. As Brainiac 5 rummages around her brain trying to find a way for Kara to awaken we're introduced to Kara's very own pet cat Streaky from the comics. Not sure what the show will do with this but even so it was a really nice little nod to the comics.
All while that is going on Reign is continuing to terrorize National City proclaiming to basically kill anyone and everything that she feels has done the city wrong in any way. Side note on Reign actually we see her as Samantha again and she looks absolutely normal while playing and hanging out with her daughter only to be submerged back into the Reign persona as she sees a picture of herself holding Supergirl on top of a building in the last episode. No idea where the whole Reign / Samantha character is going but I'd much rather she just be a complete badass rather than switch between the two but that's just me. As Kara is still in her coma we're finally introduced properly to the Legion Of Superhero's. We got Mon-El, Brainiac 5 and Saturn Girl (though she's never referred to as that) we also get a really cool shot of the 3 putting on their legion rings to the camera and they all head into battle against Reign. Saturn Girl and Mon-El do all the heavy lifting as Brainiac 5 does all his work from the ship firing lasers and missiles at Reign who is affected by this but quickly overcomes it but of course predictably Kara wakes from her coma and makes the save injecting Reign with a concentrated form of kryptonite this weakens Reign and she retreats. The episode ends as Reign learns there is more like her and Coville who Alex had gone to visit in prison earlier agrees to help Reign in her fight against Supergirl and co. ''Strong together'' as he says!
I have barely even mentioned the hilarious moments in this episode like Jon having to impersonate Kara as Lena goes to visit her and Brainiac 5's impeccable way of speaking. This really was a quality episode. It's so good to have you back Kara Zor El!
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