Supergirl 3x9 : Reign review

Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.

Supergirl's midseason finale has come and gone and with it came Reign the world killer who much like Kara also escaped a dying Krypton. 

The episode begins as Reign (Samantha) awakes from nightmares as her daughter rushes to see if her mom is okay she tells her that she wasn't on any trip like she said in episode 7 and she was here all along. Ruby her daughter is oblivious to what is going on of course as her mom is slowly but surely becoming the world killer who will bring destruction to all who stand in her path. Back at the DEO and as Kara, Jon, Alex, Winn, Mon-El and Imra all take together a few funny lines are shared. Winn questions about the 31st century's technology to which Imra replies with what is a phone?, we also learn more of Mon-El and his time in the future. He says he used Kara as a sort of beacon to bring hope and light to recruit a legion of superhero's. I honestly can't wait to see more of the team in action and given the ending of this episode I think Supergirl could definitely do with their help in defeating Reign.

As a christmas party takes place at Kara's she is called away to investigate a mysterious symbol that's been appearing all over National City. We of course know this is the mark of the world killer Reign but Kara isn't so sure and tries to find out more. She ends up getting a call from the prison where Coville is being kept. He tells her that all these markings are of the world killer and that if not stopped she will bring destruction to everyone and everything in her path. It is Kara's destiny to stop her. This scene was really well done and the tension was super high. It really made Reign seem unstoppable and that Kara has no chance in stopping her. A menacing villain who can actually be taken seriously is always a good thing and based on this episode Supergirl has delivered with Reign.

I wouldn't be talking about this episode without mentioning the final fight which is both epic and fast paced filled with lots action and explosions. As Kara and Reign battle throughout the city given waste to much destruction it looks as though she is getting the upper hand on her opponent but it is short lived as Reign begins to really pummel her even going as far as to make her bleed which I don't know how that works given there's no kryptonite in sight. Maybe it's because Reign is Kryptonian. We'll just have to wait and see. The episode ends as a victorious Reigns dangles Kara from high a top a building and drops her plummeting her to her apparent demise. As Kara is rushed to the emergency room we see Ruby awaken and go downstairs on Christmas morning to her mom or is it? that's where the episode ends as this show now goes on break and won't be back until January 15th of 2018. 9 episodes down and all have been either good great are just brilliant. A fine first half of the season outing for Kara Zor El. Here's to 2018!



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