Star Wars Episode VIII The Last Jedi review

Having only gotten into this franchise not long before The Force Awakens arrived 2 years ago I unlike so many others really didn't get as hyped for this movie. I have some friends who were really excited for this and after seeing it I can understand why hardcore fans would be upset with it. But myself not really being that big of a fan it was a really enjoyable experience that while not perfect by any means it left me feeling satisfied once the end credits began to role.

As I said I only got into these movies a little over 2 years ago and honestly I don't know much about the entire saga never really wanting to go into the lore of it all. The first 30-40 mins of this movie though wow it really drags it heels along. It's boring mundane and just flat out tiring. It's held together only by a pretty fantastic opening sequence right away stands out and you'll remember even when the movie ends. The performances in this are a bit hard to explain it's best to go see the movie and see for yourself but I must give it to Adam Driver and Oscar Isacc both really nail their performances. Driver is ruthless and unforgiving as Kylo Ren and Isacc is brilliant as Captain Po you're always going to find yourself rooting for his character in every single situation. Daisy Ridley's performance as Rey seemed all over the place, not wanting to be too serious but at times being serious I don't know it just felt off to me at times. Mark Hamill is about as good as can be expected and the showdown between him and Driver's uber bad guy Ren is really a stand out moment. I can't not mention the performances without talking about Carrie Fisher who passed away a year ago this month just as production rapped I believe. Her performance is faultless as she leads the rebels into what seems like an un winnable war. It was also a really touching tribute and a good way to say goodbye to Princess Leia who Fisher really made iconic.
The action scenes are really the drawn here as they are what you'll remember when leaving the cinema. Most the of the dialogue scenes are what really leaves this movie down at least in my opinion. Some bring the pacing to a screeching halt and just hurt the overall vibe. But that being said the set pieces are definitely worth the price of admission alone and will leave you grinning from ear to ear. The Last Jedi is an experience that must be witnessed on the big screen to be fully appreciated. It's littered with small throwbacks to past movies and also some nice additions. It isn't the best entry into the epic space saga by any means but it is definitely worth checking out.



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