Legends Of Tomorrow 3x9 : Beebo the god of war review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.
Legends Of Tomorrow's mid season finale has come and gone and with it we got the most bizarre and entertaining episode to date this season.
The episode begins as a young Martin Stein in Central City in 1992 attempts to get that year's must have christmas toy for her daughter Lily. He acquires it in hilarious fashion of course and as he got the last one in the shop all other parents begin to chase him throughout the store. While running he somehow manages to time jump to Barbarian time and he is captured. More on Stein later.
Back on the waverider and Snart from last week's episode is trying his best to help the rest of the legends cope with the loss of Martin Stein (present day Stein) in somewhat hilarious detail. This version of Leonard Snart is quickly becoming one of my favorites on this show and it honestly sucks that Wentworth Miller will soon be leaving the role. At least it looks like he'll go out with a bang. The Legends attention is caught when an anachronism from Barbarian time is uncovered and it has a level 12 threat the highest they have ever faced. The cause? well it's the before mentioned Martin Stein and the child's doll he had. Beebo. A cuddly teddy bear of sorts who the vikings take a real shine to and start worshiping it. As the legends suit up and try to recover the doll things don't quite go to plan as you'd imagine but they do stop it as Mick burns the doll as everyone else is outside sparring. The fight is really hilarious as you have the legends trying not to be killed all while the doll is just spewing out random stuff.
As the doll is burned beyond repair Damien Darhk and his daughter appear and Damien who is now Odin of Asgard claims the land as his own. I love how this show is throwing so many Marvel references into it lately. It really just makes it all that bit more special. As the legends regroup on the waverider Jax overcome with guilt and just a utter sense of sadness brings young Martin back to his original time period but not before trying to create a loophole by giving him a letter to open on the day of his death. This doesn't work as Martin burns the letter right after Jax leaves and as Jax once again returns later in the episode he is forced to say goodbye to his friend for good in what was a really emotional scene. Jax himself also announces his departure from the legends after they all overcome Damien Darhk and his daughter. Sara who tries to stop Darhk from time jumping appears to get sucked into another dimension that just so happens to be where Mallus is lurking. Just as he is about to get to Sara she is pulled out by Agent Sharp. Looks like Mallus will be the big bad of the remainder of the season for which I'm really excited to see. Back on the waverider and as the team all celebrate christmas together Jax prepares to leave and him and Sara share a final embrace before his heads back to 2017. As Sara gets back onto the ship we see Constantine in the corner of the room and he asks Sara for help in trying to defeat a demon who seems to know her name and that was how the episode ended. It now goes on break until February which honestly really threw me. I thought it'd be back in January like all the others but I guess it's because this show has less episodes than the others. But still that'll be such a long wait.
I really enjoyed this episode it was another week of the legends having a lot of fun and overall just a really strong finale. Long live the legends and I'll see you all in 2018.
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