Supergirl 3x8 : Crisis on Earth X (1) review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.
This year's crossover between Supergirl, The Flash, Arrow and Legends Of Tomorrow begins and while it isn't without some faults it is the most fun I've had watching a crossover between all shows since the original one 3 years ago.
The episode begins as we are introduced to Earth X and it's inhabitants, hero's and villains populate this baron utopia that is set in a time where the Nazi's won the war and overthrew all other countries. We're first introduced to Oliver's mirror image of himself and he is a complete badass who shows no hesitation to kill as he flat out murders Earth X's version of Guardian also known as James Olsen.
The episode really begins though with a brand new comic like intro for the crossover. It shows panels of all hero's and it was just a really nice touch. As things begin we see Barry fighting King Shark on the streets of Central City as Iris question him on who has RSVP'd and who has not. Skip to Star City, Ancient England and National City as all hero's and friends of Barry and Iris RSVP and accept the wedding invitation. Kara even brings Alex along with her to try and get her mind of the whole engagement break up situation. As Alex is at the bar while the wedding rehearsal dinner is taking place she meets Sara and right away you could see the chemistry between them and it's not long before they are making out and have a one night stand together. Alex awakes the next morning and leaves before Sara wakes up. They later bump into one another again as Alex and Kara talk outside the church. Alex ends up telling Kara that her and Sara did sleep together and it was amazing but she still feels awful about it happening as it isn't like her at all. Sara and Alex really would make for such a badass couple so I really hope them hooking up wasn't just a one time thing.
Onto the best part of the episode in my opinion and that was Kara once again blessing us with her singing skills. Asked by Barry to perform as Iris walks down the aisle she sings the fitting song of Running Home To You that Barry sang to Iris last season in the crossover musical before he proposed to her. This was a really nice touch and I loved it. As Barry and Iris are just about to say 'I do' nazi's and villains from Earth X invade the church. A big battle ensues and the hero's of our earth come out on top even managing to capture Prometheus.
Onto Cisco and he Harry and Caitlin manage to create a cure for Firestorm which will allow Martin and Jax to split successfully and live separate lives. Jax and the professor argue and bicker a lot throughout the episode as Jax doesn't want to give up his powers and professor Stein either as he says he has been like a father him given that he didn't know his dad growing up. I love how these shows deal with real life issues every week. They may be superhero shows that are meant to be completely out there and not for people to relate to but they do it so well.
The episode ends as the identity's of those under the masks are revealed and it turns out it is Oliver Kara and a returning Reverse Flash (Harrison Wells version) They honestly all look epic in their costumes and now I can't wait for the rest of this crossover to go down!
I loved this episode. It was such a fun start to the crossover between all shows and if it keeps going at this pace it might be the greatest crossover of them all.
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