Legends Of Tomorrow 3x8 : Crisis on Earth X (4) review

Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.

The 4th and final part of what has been a really exciting and entertaining crossover begins right from where the last part ended. Professor Stein has been shot twice by nazi soldiers and while he did active the gateway for all the hero's to return home he is seriously hurt and can't move on his own. Jax merges with him and they go to the waverider where it's learned that the professor is in a very bad way and Jax is the only thing actually keeping him alive. He's like an anchor that just won't let go of it's cargo. As everyone leaves the room the professor awakens and asks Jax to let him take the cure that Cisco Harry and Caitlin made in part 1 of the crossover which will allow him and Jax's connection to the Firestorm matrix to break so both no longer need each other to live. Jax agrees after what was a really emotional scene and the professor drinks the cure and within a moment or so he is gone. Firestorm is no longer with us and this was genuinely a heart breaking scene as both Jax and Stein's friendship had been a really big highlight of the legends of tomorrow up until this point. A father and son bond shared throughout time and space. I'll always remember it. God speed Marty!

As everyone is informed of the professor's death they all share a moment to remember him and Ray especially looks heartbroken as the professor had been a mentor and close friend of his for so many years. Jax himself leaves the waverider and goes to tell Stein's wife and daughter what happened and they all embrace and cry together at the doorstep. They really payed tribute well to Martin Stein and I hope Firestorm will make a return. Sure it won't be the same without the professor but Jax and somebody else together could still be really good. 

As the team arrive back on Earth 1 they are greeted by Metallo who is now in full on robotic armor. They of course overcome him and defeat him together as a unit and their plan begins to finally overthrow the Earth X invaders. There's a seriously epic group shot of all the hero's walking towards the screen together. All ready and prepared to do battle against the invaders. So the fight begins and we've got Supergirl V Overgirl, Flash V Reverse Flash and Oliver vs Oliver. The hero's as you can imagine overcome all the odds and are victorious. The battle between everyone was a bit of a let down at least to me. I thought it could have been expanded on a bit and shown off a lot more. 

The episode ends as everyone goes their separate ways minus Barry and Iris and Oliver and Felicity. Barry and Iris decide to get married on a whim and Barry runs to get Diggle to be the minister and marry them. Diggle as always vomits after being brought to Central City in a flash but he does agree to marry them. As they both say their vows and say I do Felicity asks Dig to marry her and Oliver to which he agrees also given that he has been their biggest shipper over the last 6 or so years. So that's that. Both couples are married and next week we return for the mid season finale's of all shows. 

This crossover was a really fine achievement in TV history and the most fun crossover since the original Arrow/Flash one 3 years ago. Good job to all involved. Here's to next year's crossover!



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