Arrow 6x8 : Crisis on Earth X (2) review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.
Part 2 of the crossover and it begins right where we left off after the reveals of who just was under the invaders masks. Skip to Star Labs and as Prometheus is unmasked it turns out to be none other than..Tommy Merlyn! yes a returning character from Season 1 but he isn't the Tommy that we remember as he is completely different. Corrupted and brainwashed to being completely faithful to the fatherland. Him and Oliver talk things out in what was quite an emotional scene up until Tommy completely tricks Oliver and tells him that this earth is weak and it will belong to him and his companions soon. Not seconds after he says this he kills himself right in front of Oliver who once again has to watch his bestfriend die. He really can't catch a break. Especially as in the last episode he somewhat proposes to Felicity who denies him and tells him that she wants to be with him but just does not want to marry him. These scenes really slowed the whole episode down for me and I just hope this doesn't carry over to Arrow into the back half of the season because it just doesn't need more Olicity drama again.
We're introduced to Kara's mirror image of herself and also find out that her and Oliver are married on Earth X which is just plain weird and out there but the multiverse has a total of 53 different earths as we're told by Harry Wells so I guess it was bound to happen on at least one of them. Eobard Thawne from the first season of The Flash is back and apart of Earth X's plan to take down our earth. Complete with Harrison Well's face once again. He taunts Barry who can't believe that Thawne is once again standing in front of him. He should be dead but as explained time travel is a funny thing that can never truly be explained. It is nice to see Thawne back though as he was the best villain the show had ever produced and rightly so given he is The Flash's mortal enemy.
I really like the acting in this episode. Some actors are forced to play 2 different parts of themselves and they pull it off well in my opinion. Melissa Benoist is really good here and comes across as a really good villain which begs me to think why not do that some week on Supergirl? I know we got something like that in season 1 but I'd really like to see it revisited. Iris and Barry honestly don't see that upset that their wedding got crashed which was odd to me. They could have at least shown some annoyance over what happened but nope Iris was just like eh it happens. There's a really epic scene in this episode also as Barry Kara and Oliver (The Trinity of the CW verse) all come together to help a construction site from collapsing. My words don't do this scene justice as it really was epic and so well done. All looked amazing and worked so well together. It really was like a mini Justice League on TV.
The episode ends as Earth X's plan goes further into motion as the hero's are kidnapped and brought to the fatherland where Kara has been taken hostage by her mirror self in an attempt to steal her heart so Kara of Earth X can live on for years to come. I can't wait for tonight's 2 episodes as stated before this crossover really has been living up to my expectations.
All in all this episode was thrilling and a very good watch but just a little bit less enjoyable than the first episode but given there is still 2 part's to come I'll let any minor blips go. Bring on Part's 3 and 4!
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