Arrow 6x2 : Tribute review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.
First thing this episodes starts off with is Oliver entering the building to his office and he's stopped by the media who all want the answer to the ultimate question. Is he Green Arrow or not? of course he responds with no but he names drops Bruce Wayne which was just absolutely brilliant. Easily the highlight of this episode.
We learn that Oliver is being investigated by the FBI and an agent named Samantha Watson. A real hard nosed agent who seriously reminded me of Amanda Waller at times. Ruthless to the bone and just downright savage at others. Not caring who or want gets in her way in revealing the truth. I already love her character. I have to mention the new opening for Arrow. No longer just the name Arrow on the screen it flashes all members of the team's logo's before saying Arrow. Much like Legends Of Tomorrow's opening. Small touch but I like the new opening. Makes the team feel important and not just all about Oliver / Green Arrow.
Anatoli is back in Star City, he wants $20 million dollars from the SCPD who just so happened to come into that kind of money recently, Oliver thinks it was him who leaked the photo to the press but as he says he's an 'honorable man' and would do nothing without telling Oliver to his face. He kindnaps some hostages so it's rescue time for the team. They do save the hostages but soon after Oliver just leaves Anatoli go. I really wanna see Anatoli become KG Beast on this show. I think it'd be so cool if it ever happens.
Oliver struggles with the life of being the mayor, the Green Arrow and a father in this episode. Which begs me to question when he does get the chance to sleep? just me nit picking but still it's a legit question that's never answered. So to take the burden off of his shoulders he asks Diggle to become the new Green Arrow and that is how the episode ends. Dig as Green Arrow full time is definitely an interesting choice. Obviously Oliver will come back as Green Arrow but for the time being it looks like Dig will have to step up.
This episode was almost on the same level as last week's and by that I mean it was good but just falls short. One or two small little details bugged me but other than that it was an enjoyable ride and as long as Arrow continues like it this season has the potential to be really good. Just try and get some sleep eh Oliver?
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