Arrow 6x1 : Fallout review
Before starting this review I just want to let everyone know that there will be big *SPOILERS* for the episode ahead. With that being said let's get into my review of Arrow's Season 6 premiere.
We start off 5 months on from the ending of season 5 we see the team back in action in the midst of stopping another missile strike on Star City. Love how lots of different trick arrows were introduced in this episode. Carrying on from last season where lots were introduced trick arrows is what the Green Arrow is all about. Sure he has the regular arrows but trick arrows add a nice dynamic to his whole fighting style.
There's a flashback to the Lian Yu fallout and we learn that not everyone survived in once piece. There was no major Team Arrow casualties but Samantha William's father dies in Oliver's arms and says to him to make sure he is a good father to their son so that is what Oliver has been doing the past few months. Much to the dismay of William who blames him for what happened on the island. He comes around towards the end of the episode a bit but it looks like it's going to be a long road for Oliver in fatherhood and I'm looking forward to see that side of him develop more.
As I said before the team was back in action in the first scene we see that Wild Dog has got a whole new badass suit and Mr Terrific can now use his T-Spheres to control the direction of missiles and direct them out of harm's way. Dinah Drake is as badass as ever. We even seen glimpses of a possible Canary V Siren rematch. That is going to be so awesome when it happens. Speaking of Black Siren she is very much alive and bombs the SCPD thanks to a guy working for her using the most inventive use of a can of soda I've ever seen. She also later invades the bunker as everyone but John are out trying to track her down as the police are having a rookie training seminar.
Thea is the other casualty from Lian Yu and she is in a coma as Oliver visits her Slade shows up and informs Oliver that he has found his son and that Oliver should always be a father first and the mayor / Green Arrow second. They both shake hands and Slade leaves. That relationship has really come a long way and it was a nice way to close it out for the time being.
One last cliffhanger before the episode ends and that is..Green Arrow is identified as Oliver Queen!! to which Felicity asks him what do we do now? and he replies with ''I don't know'' who took the photo that was on the news? how will this play out? I don't know but I'm damn sure interested to find out. Welcome back Team Arrow it is great to be in your company again.
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