Mother review
Mother starring Jennifer Lawrence and Javier Bardem directed by Darren Arnofsky who in my opinion has had a very mixed career when it comes to movie quality. Black Swan and The Wrestlers are fantastic movies but in between them you have Noah which was long tedious and just flat out boring I thought. Now he gives us Mother and I have no idea how to even review this because it's unlike a movie I've ever seen before. The last 30 minutes especially absolutely destroyed the movie for me. Before that I was honestly liking it but that final act just stops it from being great.
This movie is definitely not going to be for everyone as it can be disturbing at some points especially as I said that final 30 minutes or so is just flat out ridiculous and feels like it doesn't belong in this movie. It's like they just threw everything at the wall and tried to see what would stick. I can't put it into words but I will say this it is absolutely terrible and I honestly felt like getting up and walking out which is weird for me since I have never ever felt that during a movie.
The performances are good Jennifer Lawrence is on screen for the majority of this movie and she plays it well, Bardem is same always really he definitely looks the part and plays it with ease. Ed Harris and Michelle Pheffier are also good here but their characters have no real purpose, they don't really offer anything to the movie if I'm being honest.
All in all this was enjoyable until the final act which was just a massive mess. Go see this if you want it's your own choice but for me this was a bit of a letdown as I was excited going in.
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