Stargirl 1x7 : Shiv Part One review

Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it. This week's episode of Stargirl was the beginning of a two part episode. It begins with a look at all hero's loving life. Courtney is seen saying good morning to her staff, Yolanda is seen training and hugging Wildcat's cowl while Beth and Rick are also on the up. Before leaving for school Pat tells Courtney that the training of the new JSA will begin after the day in class. At school we find out that the homecoming game and dance is soon upcoming. The gang bump in Cindy who as always is not the nicest of people. Beth tells Courtney that Cindy's mom died when she was a young age and her dad has married multiple times since. That is no excuse says Rick as Cindy bumps into the school janitor who like before is intentionally being put in the spotlight. Cindy knocks over his broom before Courtney picks it up. We later see him again in the janitor closet where a swor...